Is this a pearl?


New Member
Nov 22, 2011
Ive found pearls in oysters before i was eating a Clam and this was in the meat--- Ive read Clams can produce pearls was wondering if anyone can tell from pics if this is a pearl? loot pearlsmore loot pearls
Most mollusks can produce pearls.

I can't tell anything by this photo, but perhaps you could place it on a white background and try macro mode in natural sunlight.

What kind of clam were you eating at the time? Was it raw or cooked?
if you found it in a clam its most likely a pearl, although you can't tell anything by the pictures. If the clam was cooked before you ate it then there isn't likely any value in the pearl besides a neat story. It was eaten raw(are clams eaten raw or just oysters?) then it might have a bit of value but don't expect any high figures.
Most pearls from any of the venus clams are non-nacreous, so they hold up a bit better when exposed to heat.

That said, non-nacreous pearls tend to have lower value in general.

I'd just keep it as a rarity.