Inherited Pearls in original Jewlers box, real or fake? What type and value?


New Member
Jun 13, 2012
I have inherited a strand of pearls with a diamond clasp. The pearls are in original Nathans Jewlers box. They were given to me 20years ago and were probably atleast 10 years old when given to me. Are they of any value and what type?
I am having trouble uploading photo, can i email it?

I believe the add photo feature in the editor window doesn't work. What you have to do is use the advanced editor (click either "Reply" or "Go Advanced"), scroll down to "Manage Attachments," click and add your images from there. Also, be sure you've included the info listed in the first post in the thread What We Need to Know to Best Evaluate Your Pearls. I'm looking forward to seeing your pearls!