@jshepherd perhaps we should ban the term Chinese AK
which is also called China AK pearl in this FORUMS.
They are
definitely not called China AK in this forums.
The term
China AK (or
Freshwater Akoya) is misleading. Akoya pearls are saltwater pearls cultured in
Pinctada fucata oysters, while these new Chinese bead-nucleated pearls are cultured in freshwater
Hyriopsis cumingii. While some high-quality examples may resemble Akoya pearls in shape and luster, they are completely different structurally and should stand on their own.
Trying to attach them to the Akoya name instead of promoting them for what they are is a mistake. It makes them look like imitations rather than a new category of pearls. The Akoya market is built on trust, and bringing in a name that is obviously misleading is the wrong way to enter the international market.
f these pearls are going to succeed, they need a name that highlights their own identity, not one that makes them seem like a knockoff of something they’re not.
这些珍珠在本论坛上绝对不会被称为“China AK”。
“China AK”(或“淡水阿古屋”)这个称呼是具有误导性的。阿古屋珍珠是在*马氏贝(Pinctada fucata)
中培育的海水珍珠,而这些新的中国珠是采用三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)*及其杂交品种培育的淡水珍珠。虽然某些高质量的珠子在形状和光泽上可能接近阿古屋珍珠,但它们在结构上完全不同,应该拥有自己独立的身份。