I tried on an AAA 7-8mm Mikimoto strand!

dkan 168

Oct 6, 2008
I visited London for the weekend, and went jewellery window shopping in Burlington Arcade and the Bond Streets on Saturday.

I walked into the Mikimoto store, wearing my Gem Fresh 8-9mm strand from TPO, and asked to see a couple of strands from the display.

They turned out to be both AAAs, their highest grade, and I was congratulated to have such good eyes to be able to pick out the best! :o

The nice lady salesperson kindly let me tried the 7-8mm strand on.

I took mine off, and placed it next to the Miki strand for comparison.

The Miki strand was noticeably more glassy with a metallic sheen, very pretty indeed.

However, it is too small for me, and had a yellow gold clasp with a pearl on it (I only wear white metal), and at over 27k+ GBP, yes, 27+ grand sterling, I shall give it a miss, as I could get one each of very nice Tahitians and South Seas from PP at that price!!! :p

It was great being able to make that comparison and see it with my own eyes.

And I shan't say no to a 9-9.5mm Hanadama strand! :D

Ooo, the sales lady commented about my Gem Fresh being a nice strand of pearl while I was there! :cool:
Thanks for the shopping report. Too bad you couldn't get a picture of them next to each other.
27K?!?!?! For 7-8mm ?!?!!? 27??! It's obvious that I need to take another trip down to Rodeo soon to re-evaluate just what's going on over there... jeez. 27... There are so many words that occur to me right now.... <--- walking away for lunch now, mumbling to self. :confused:
Could they be 8-8.5mm? The pearls were definitely smaller than my TPO's Gem Fresh 8-9mm strand when they were laid side by side each other, and the clasp was nothing special! :)
Thanks for the shopping report. Too bad you couldn't get a picture of them next to each other.

I felt too cheeky to ask if they would let me take a pic, and the picture quality on my mobile phone is not that great. :p :D
Thanks- sometimes I get so focused on what we're doing here, I forget that Mikimoto even exists! :rolleyes:

Then I get whupped upside the head with Applecheek's shopping report (srsly- thank you, it's definitely a needed service!!), and the reality of the pricing differences that we're really dealing with shock me to pieces all over again. ;)