I need help identifying these two strands…


New Member
Sep 1, 2022

I’m new here so thank you in advance. These are both my mother’s, and she wants to know if they’re worth having tested.

The black pearls have two hallmarks. The 925 I would assume means sterling, but they’ve never been cleaned and so wouldn’t silver have oxidized? The other mark is beyond my ability to discern. Also, the little metal bands every 5 pearls have little diamonds in them.

The white pearls have a hallmark but it is so worn I can’t really tell what it says. I’m hoping someone can help.

Both strands have a bit more “life” to their colors in person. Any and all help is appreciated.

Thank you!
I uploaded them but it says they are awaiting approval before showing publicly. I’m not sure how long that takes. Lol
Hallmarks on the clasp are just for the maker of the clasp. Someone different strung the pearls.

The white pearls look like Chinese freshwater pearls, back when they were button shaped (flat on one side). The pearls are inexpensive. Not worth being tested. Just enjoy wearing them.
Even though I posted the black pearls first, those pictures are still awaiting moderator approval. I’m going to try posting them here again.




Hallmarks on the clasp are just for the maker of the clasp. Someone different strung the pearls.

The white pearls look like Chinese freshwater pearls, back when they were button shaped (flat on one side). The pearls are inexpensive. Not worth being tested. Just enjoy wearing them.
Thanks for answering!

I really know nothing about pearls, but I thought freshwater ones don’t have as good a luster as salt. And I have two other necklaces here I already know to be cultured saltwater, but this necklace really outshines them.
First glance of the white strand I thought freshwater buttons, but the extraordinary shine quickly made me suspect - any chance they are imitations?

The black strand looks dyed freshwater to me, because of the shapes. They do have beautiful luster, too!
They are both definitely real. The white ones were passed down, and from family history, are about 100 years old. No idea how much stock to put in that.

The black ones were bought by my father in the 60’s or 70’s somewhere in Southeast Asia or the South Pacific.

I gave the white ones a gentle cleaning, and they really pop now. Here are a couple more pics, including a drill hole.
Both strands are pretty! That said both look like freshwater (cultured) pearls to me.
The black strand looks like a classic Dyed FWP strand to me.

And both strands have great luster...the white strand I do find it especially pleasing to the eye. I would really love to see it in person. The story of being in your family for 100 years (would have been obtained in 1922) would make it a natural pearl strand, but somehow it makes me think of really high quality potato shaped freshwater pearls.

Whatever their origin...they are really nice and an heirloom!
Lovely lustre on those white pearls, they must look great on.
I'd say the clasp is a modern one.
Hello! I see hallmarks for sterling silver on both. The white pearl clasp is worn but I still think I see S925, and that would be right for the patina and style of the clasp. They are both very pretty necklaces. The black pearls appear to me as freshwater dyed also as other members have mentioned. You said there are small diamonds in the spacers but I would guess they are actually white sapphires or rhinestones. I don't think the white pearl necklace can be as old as you think, which often happens with family heirlooms. People pass down stories, and they get mixed over the years, like a really long game of "telephone"! Not worth a lot in dollars but definitely sentimental, so wear them and enjoy!
There are many companies that make those "crystal" rondels. I typically purchase Swarovski brand crystal rondels because they are well-made. I use them often on my less-expensive strands to give them a little extra POP!. Here is a photo of some I've used. (Swarovski is no longer making crystals for jewelry findings so I snatch them up when they come available.)
IMG_8396 2.JPG