Hypothetically- If You Stored and Never Wore a FW Freshadama Necklace Over 10 Years

Jan 13, 2019
Would is still be lustrous and beautiful? If it was worn once and stored in a jewelry box? Or would it suffer the ravages of time due to low moisture (i, e., lack of skin oils) and yellow or be somewhat dull?

I think it would have to be stored poorly for much longer than 10 years before it would lose it's good looks.
Just my opinion, but probably it would be just fine. We do see Akoya pearls, which have thinner nacre and are well over 10 years old, and are still lustrous and wearable. Just sad to think (even hypothetically) such a gorgeous necklace would be tucked away and never worn.
I recently pulled out one of the very first metallic multi-color round strands we made more than a decade ago. I had the original samples given to me by Grace Pearl - the first strands they made - tucked away in my desk. They still looked as beautiful now as they did more than a decade ago.
I have seen a deterioration with Soufflee pearls I have seen in stock for 4 years now. Not all but many loose ones have lost a lot of their luster
I vaguely recall that Jeremy said the nacre on souffle pearls is surprisingly thick -- as we can see from the little H "geode" collections.

I imagine that how the pearls are stored would be a factor. I don't think pearls and plastic get along very well.
PGMembers quick question about storing pearls. I will be away one week. Is it ok to store some of my pearls in the safety deposit box until I return.? I know that long term pearls should not stay there. Thanks.
Absolutely okay!

The concern about the safety deposit box is the dry air-- but many of us have air conditioning at home, yet our pearls do fine. At home, though, we take them out and wear them periodically, thereby exposing them to moisture, while at the safety deposit box they can remain for a very long time air conditioned and unworn-- and that is why it isn't good for them.
One week in a safe deposit box is fine. They won't suddenly decompose after a week.

I want to know more about Jeremy's "desk of holding" (for you D&D players). How many pearls do you have squirreled away in that TARDIS of a desk of yours?
BWeaves and Pearl Dreams-!Thank you so much for replying. I didn't do all my pearls but 3 most special. I am relieved with your responses.
With freshwater pearls, it's more about the treatments than the method of storage. Freshwater pearls that have been poorly treated tend to lose the luster and turn chalky. This used to be a serious problem with most freshwater pearls but it's gotten a lot better over the last decade.
My Aunt used to put a baby food jar of water in her SDBx. A jeweler ages ago would do the same thing for his showcases and opals, an told her to do this for pearls and opal jewelry in the SDB. But my Aunt liked to visit her jewelry often so there is that.