How can I clean silver without damaging the pearls


New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I have a pair of silver earrings that have some small pearls on them. What can I use to clean the silver that won't damage the pearls?

I'm only attaching a pic because everyone always asks for them. :o

cozumel honeycomb cowfish
Hi Lotus and welcome,

Very cool design on your earrings! Are they quite old? Thanks for the photo! Recommend a silver polishing cloth, and take your time. (Many jewelry stores sell them for approx $10.) A bit of oxidization may remain where the wire is wrapped, but I think it will enhance the vintage look. Please don't dip the whole earring in any liquid tarnish remover; that would likely damage the pearls, which have very nice luster. Others may have suggestions, too.
Thanks for the advice!

I've had them maybe 20 or 25 years. The reason they look so old (other than the tarnish) is because they're based on a Roman design. They came from the British Museum store, which does reproductions of items in its collection. I suppose in Roman times, any pearls were exotic and luxurious, even if they were small and misshapen. Of course, these are from modern times where pearls aren't nearly as hard to come by.