hoping to replace vintage 4-strand Mikimoto necklace & red silk box

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I hope someone can help me find a vintage Mikimoto necklace. Trying to replace one from the mid 60's. Purchased at Lane Crawford in Hong Kong. Red silk box that had a white silk lining. The box folded over itself left and right and then a top flap folded down. The pearls: 4 strands, graduated. About 100 pearls per strand. Guaranteed Mikimoto. Has anyone seen anything like this? Or a box like I've described? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
If you want a vintage Mikimoto strand, I recommend looking at estate jewelry stores. This will be your best bet to find vintage high quality jewelry.
thank you for the suggestion

thank you for the suggestion

I will do this...am I looking for a needle in a haystack? Has anyone in the pearl business seen strands like this from the 60's with a red overfolding box?
unbelievable success

unbelievable success

I located the new owner of the pearls I was trying to replicate. Incredible! And the new owner has a very kind heart and will let me buy them. I'm stunned because I never thought I would see them again. Now all I have to do is arrange for payment. This is an amazing turn of events.
Wow! That is wonderful. How did you go about finding them? Were they the exact same necklace?