

New Member
Aug 23, 2019
I would like to place a tube bezel ONTO a pearl. Has anyone ever done this? My first thought was to glue it one with e6000 or epoxy glue, but I’m worried over time it will fall off. My second thought was to drill a hole in the pearl and use a bezel with a post that’s used for earrings but to cut the post so it’s not so long, and place a little glue before inserting it into the hole.
I can’t seem to find any bezels specifically made for this which is why I thought of using earring posts. Any ideas/ thoughts would be great.

Thanks, Jasmine

Welcome to the forum! I'm having a difficult time picturing what you want to accomplish. Can you draw a picture? Is it for a pendant? Is the pearl round or drop shape? I imagine with a little more information from you, the suggestions will come pouring in!
Are you talking about a round pearl or a baroque? Can you share a sketch or a photo? Depending on what you want to do, there may be different solutions
Yes a baroque. Like this picture


Hopefully the picture worked. I’m new to this.
Because you're setting the stones on the pearl and not in the pearl, I think you're on the right track. I would drill and attach with a post. The easiest way to do this would be to solder a post onto the proper bezel setting you want to use. I don't think you're going to find exactly what you want otherwise. You don't want the peg to go too deep into the pearl like an earring post - you need a pearl-peg post.
I would set the stone in a tube bezel and drill the pearl so the tube bezel fits very snuggly. Then, epoxy the tube bezel. This will allow the stone to sit very low, close to the surface of the pearl.

If you solder a post to the back of the bezel and glue that in a drilled hole, the stone will sit proud of the surface of the pearl and it may look rather warty, if you catch my meaning
I would add that an earring post isn't what you want to use to mount the bezel on the surface. You'd want to use a pearl peg. You can make one yourself by using square stock wire and twisting it. On the mounting, keep in mind how deep the bezels will need to be. If you're using cab stones, you might be able to mount them flush on the surface. But if you're using a faceted stone without a flat back, the bezel will be deeper and may need to be recessed into the pearl (by making a larger drill hole).
ready made is obviously going to be less tricky. But if you are feeling adventurous and can find some very small bezel set stud earrings you may be able to fiddle with them by cutting the peg then using a rough file to score the peg creating more surface area for the glue.

in any event you can decide if you want them set into the pearl so they are flat or let them sit on the surface.
I have seen the bezel pegs for pearls on gempacked. They are what I’m looking for, but they only come in two sizes and with diamonds already set. I’d like to set different coloured gems and sizes.
These are all great ideas and suggestions you’ve given me to work with, and some things to consider. Thank you!