help needed Vintage/antique pearl box

Beth C

Jul 11, 2009
Hi folks

I've not been online for a while, and hope everyone is keeping well. I am asking for help finding a vintage or antique box for an 80 year old pearl necklace. I am willing to pay if anyone has one for sale. I recently bought this necklace for my daughters 21st birthday and the jeweler offered a free restringing service so I asked them to do this.
In the process they lost the original box which the pearls were in and despite saying for three months that they would find it they are now offering me a modern cardboard box.
I am obviously upset about this and would love to present Rachel's present in a more authentic box, so any help and advice would be gratefully received.

I have tried to buy one or two online but when they arrived they actually stated "simulated" on the inside of the lid so that wasn't much good! I now only have about a week to find one, otherwise it will have to be the modern box :(

I hope you got good compensation for the missing box - an original box for an old necklace will add considerably to its value and support any provenance if it is the original supplier's box
Hi Wendy
they have not offered me anything apart from the cardboard modern box which they initially said was a temporary measure :(
I have no idea where to look now for a replacement. Do you think I should ask for some compensation then?
If the box was the original seller's box with a name in then yes, you need some compensation. You could talk to one of the auction houses to estimate the drop in value of the pearls without their box
And they should also pay any fees asked by the auction house or valuer
Hi wendy thanks for your reply
I can't remember if it was a named box I just remember it was dark blue velour with the raised collar for the necklace to go round, so maybe I can't claim too much :(

It's such a shame they look less special somehow in the modern carboard :(

Not even leather-ish?
If you can't remember a name or anything you may be on thinner ice. But you could go in and talk big about compensation and loss of value. Might make them at least turn out their cupboards or give you a bit more to make you go away
Hello Elizabeth,
I'm so disappointed that this has happened to you :( and very surprised that the best the jeweller has offered you is a modern cardboard box. Simply not good enough. When my pearl bracelet was re-strung and a new clasp added it was presented to me in a velvet-lined polished wooden box at no extra cost. You should ask the jeweller for compensation to buy a decent replacement box for this very special gift. They are at fault here, they have lost property that you entrusted to them.

If you want to go vintage try antiques and collectables dealers, secondhand stores and on-line auctions. Obviously though time is running short. You could buy a lined wooden or leather necklace box, here they're available at good jewellers, gift shops and department stores. To give yourself more time to find what you really want, you could present the necklace to your daughter for her birthday in a lovely embroidered or beaded silk pouch.

Best wishes to you and Rachel for a wonderful 21st celebration :) My son turned 21 this year and it's such an exciting birthday!

Regards from Kerry.
Elizabeth, if you search on ebay under "antique necklace box" there are some oval leather-look vintage-style necklace display boxes that look fairly nice, and might work for the pearls. Good luck!

thanks for your kind replies and great ideas.

I luckily stumbled upon another 1930s pearl necklace in a box online, they guaranteed next day postage , the box including necklace was very reasonable, so I've swapped the cheaper necklace with the one I got for Rachel.
The box isn't quite as plush as the lost original but at least it's the right date, and it hasn't got a makers mark on it so I don't feel too bad about splitting it from the cheaper necklace.
I'll be able to use the other necklace myself so that isn't wasted either.

I went back to the jeweller and all they did was to offer to look again!

Poor rachel went down with mumps at the weekend so her planned family celebration is now postponed but I'm taking her present to her at uni so that she'll at least have one thing to open on the day! Thanks again for your kind wishes and I hope she loves her present!

Hi Elizabeth,
I'm so pleased you were able to find a suitable box for your daughter's special gift along with the bonus of some pearls to play with :)

I guess that's one jeweller you won't be returning to or recommending!!

Get well wishes to Rachel for a speedy recovery, her birthday pearls are sure to lift her spirits :)
Regards from Kerry.
thanks folks for your kind thoughts.

The jeweller found me another box but it had mikimoto in the lid so i didn't feel able to use I stuck with the one I got off the internet which at least felt more authentic.

she was really pleased with her pearls and we are now going for a meal to celebrate next weds so hopefully that will make up for her being ill :)