Help me pick a pair please :)

It's amazing how much hair color affects the colors you can wear. When I dyed my hair to a reddish brown, it clashed with a lot of my favorite colors. :eek:
They are all lovely, but I was immediately drawn to 4 as I prefer darker tahitians with my skin tone and hair color. I really don't think you could go wrong with any of the choices though!
I am drawn to no 2 and 3 from the top maybe cos the colours r different. But earrings r tricky cos your hair colour greatly affects the appearance, esp with tahitians. I have tried on what I thought were amazing colour tahitian earring only to find that that they look dull against my black hair.
Earrings are set!

Earrings are set!

I am drawn to no 2 and 3 from the top maybe cos the colours r different. But earrings r tricky cos your hair colour greatly affects the appearance, esp with tahitians. I have tried on what I thought were amazing colour tahitian earring only to find that that they look dull against my black hair.

Hi all!
The Tahitians have been selected and set into earrings. I just want to share the finished product with you guys .... Enjoy!


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Oh, MY!!!!! Stunning!!!! Of course, we want the ear shot soon!

Pattye, here you go! Notice the pearls are slightly mis matched - only cos I couldn't decide which pair I like, so I picked one from two pairs which I singled out.


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I am a fan of "mis-matched". They're beautiful. Enjoy them!
Very pretty! Good choice- looks very nice on you.
So which pairs did u choose from eventually? Out of curiosity, where did u get the setting from?
Awww, cute!

DK :)