Help IDing black pearl strand


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2015
Hello all,

I wanted to see what you guys thought about this black pearl strand. It has some weird divots and the pearls are all very round which makes me think dyed akoya or small tahitians but I don't know if tahitians come this small. If they are FWCP they are really round and no growth rings. They are approx 7 mm in diameter, and I'm just gonna leave it to you experts :) I got them from a thrift store and they have a 14k clasp which also leads me to think they are spendier than just shoddily dyed FWCP. Anyway take a look at the photos and judge for yourselves. TYIA. <3

14mm wssp ring
I pulled the photos into my iPhoto and adjusted exposure. They really have the look of dyed pearls and the surface is not very lustrous in these photos. They do not look like Tahitians.

I would have expected higher luster from akoyas, unless maybe they are just grimy? Have you given them a bath yet? I would do that, then photograph again, in natural light if possible.
Some pearls are eggy shaped. I'd think they're dyed freshwater pearls.