Help Buying Earings for gift


New Member
Mar 31, 2017
Hi All!

Sorry if this is in the wring place please move if needed.

I am looking to purchase my wife basic stud earnings for her birthday in a couple weeks and have no idea what to buy or how much to spend. I don't need anything to special but am looking for something in the 8-9mm range with silver backing (preferably white gold). I have seen ranges in prices anywhere from $25-thousands and do not want to get ripped off. My current budget is in the $200-$300 range or a little more if a got a good value.

From what I have researched akoya pearls are the way to go but I am open to others. Can someone point me in the right direction on where to get the best in quality and value in that price range? I am currently leaning towards something like this. But I'm guessing those are exspensive because of the Tiffany's name.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for the help!

After doing some more research it sounds like Freshadama might be the way to go to save a little money while looking just as good an lasting longer. Can anyone please coonfirm I am on the right path? I am currently leaning towards these
Freshadama (freshwater) pearls are lovely! They have great luster and are solid nacre.

Akoyas tend to have higher luster than freshwaters naturally, being cultured in colder waters. The crystals that make up the nacre are smaller (think smaller pixels). My akoyas have somewhat sharper luster than my Freshadama pearls. The difference is not huge, though.

Akoya earrings would not get the wear and tear that, say, a bracelet would get, and also less than a necklace would get since the stud pearl itself is not so much in contact with skin. Akoya studs should be very durable.

In the end it's a matter of personal preference and one's budget but if it were me, I'd get the akoya studs, because they are classic, and are 100% round (freshwater pearls having no bead inside may be very slightly off-round.)
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You wife is a lucky lady! Pearl studs are a timeless gift :) My preference for classic stud earrings would also be Akoyas. ..sharpest luster and perfectly round.
Be sure your wife doesn't already own a pair of pearl studs. I don't have pierced earrings, so I don't wear earrings much, but I do own pearl studs that I got in my early 20s because they are classic. I would forgo the name brand items for studs because you can't tell one brand from another unless you look for the hallmark behind the ear, and how many times does that happened? Go for bigger and nicer pearls. Depending on how your wife will wear them... freshwater if she plans to keep them in all the time, akoya for a special occasion type of earring. My personal pearl preference is akoya over freshwater.
As another option, Tahitian pearls are also very nice. I have the earrings below (I'd ask for dark ones with peacock overtones). This might just be me but while I rarely wear my smaller white studs (I have both white freshwaters and white akoyas) these black ones have become my go-to everyday earrings. Please show us a pic of whatever you get! We are quite greedy for photos. :)
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Thanks for all the help!

After further thought and discussion I decided to go with the Tahitian studs. Thanks for all of the help above! I came to this decision for a handful of reasons...

1. The reason I was shopping for pearls in the first place is my wife received a pair of white studs as a gift from a friend who traveled to China and purchased them there. We have no idea what they are or their quality but my wife mentioned to me in passing that she wanted a nicer pair. Hence - the hunt began
2. From the onset I have liked the look of the Tahitians most but wasn't sure if she would like them. I asked her discretely yesterday if for her birthday gift (she had no idea I was talking about pearls). If I should play it safe (Akoya's), go with my gut (Tahitians) or let her decide. She said go with my gut so the Tahitians have been ordered.
3. Worst case I can do an exchange if she wants white's.

Again thanks everyone for your help! I will post pictures when I get them and post a followup once she gets them for her birthday (still a couple weeks away).

I have a feeling she will now have the "pearl itch" and we will be back for more in the future.
Hope your wife loves her new Tahitian earrings; a very thoughtful gift. Fair warning ... Tahitians are addictive lol :)