Greenhills pearl purchase


Community member
Sep 14, 2013
I am visiting Manila and went to the infamous Greenhills pearl market. I wanted a souvenir, knowing full well they are all freshwater pearls from China, even though the vendors said they were from the Philippines. I asked for the best quality and was shown large 10-11mm freshwaters from behind the counter. I tried to pick the best luster I could and had two strands combined for one 32" strand--probably longer once knotted. So my question--do you think these are good quality for the price I paid? I paid about $250 US.


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I think you did just fine! A very stylish clasp, too! The pearls appear to have decent luster, few blemishes and when worn will look round. People will probably ask if they are South Sea pearls. Knotting will probably add 1 1/2 to 2 inches to the length.
Yay! Thanks for replying Pattye! I picked the figure 8 clasp. They only had silver in larger sizes. I am so happy. I was not looking for the deal of the century. This was more to test my own eye and have a souvenir in the process. I have only ever received pearls as gifts before or ordered from PP. it was an education to see so many strands side by side! Good fun.
I am all about the fun Pattye! 💃

Thank you Katbran for your nice comments. I bet this will be the souvenir that gets the most use.
Also I should say it was amazing to watch the person knotting them! Pattye I know this is your specialty but I had never seen it before. She was so fast and was standing up!
Well thank you, Montacute; the only person I have ever seen stand and knot fast is Sarah of Kojima Pearls! I was mesmerized!!

I do enjoy knotting immensely, though. Do you want to learn or do you aready know how? Not everyone wants to do their own knotting.
I would love to learn. I am pretty handy with a needle and thread--I have done sampler stitching in my life. I have no reason not to do it. I have a souffl? strand right now that broke so I really should try.
I have tried to just learn from youtube and tried different techniques. I am new to beading (but my latest obsession) anyways but loved pearls and wanted to knot necklaces on my own. I am pretty crafty as well. I tried with a beading tool from Michaels and found I still have issues with the finished work. So I may need to take classes from the local bead shop to really learn how to knot and to learn more about different kinds of string and findings. lots to learn!
Some people swear by those beading tool things but others swear at them. There are as many methods of knotting as there are people who knot, LedaM. Some do two strand, some do one (I have a video on that method on youtube - I'm astonished to see it has had nearly 29k hits!)
I keep asking pattye to do a similar video with her Beaders' Secret but so far no luck
Yes, Wendy, you do, and I will as soon as I can corral a Grandkid to help video, lol.

Is this a promise? I would sooo very much enjoy this!!! If I begged would it help at all?;)
I can wrestle up a grandson, wearing a pearl ... he's only 8, not much help LOL.
LoL!! I dunno…pics on the "internets" are forever ;-)

I can wrestle up a grandson, wearing a pearl ... he's only 8, not much help LOL.