Giant clam pearl found in Palawan


New Member
May 1, 2012
Hello all,
I'm trying to find out the value of a pearl found in Palawan. It weighs about 2.7 kgs. I wonder if it's worth anything? The other photo is a blue stone found in a mountain. It glows when placed in water. Anyone ever heard of it? I wanted to find out more about it also but can't seem to find much searching the internet. If anyone has any info on how to find out the worth of the pearl or what the blue stone is, it would be greatly appreaciated! Thanks in advance!

Also, both of these are in Palawan. a.jpgb.jpg
The blue one looks like an Araucana hen egg. I had a hen that laid eggs similar to that color, but more turquoise. She was a county prize winner with that color egg!

Neither of your finds appears to be a pearl. The clam pearl looks like a rock, and the rock looks like an egg. Depending on where the mountain is- that hatched that blue rock, I would say it could be a mustika, often called "pearls" and made out of silica. That would be a "mystic mountain pearl" or some such.

Good luck finding out more!