Freshwater “Edison” Strand to go with my South Sea earrings.


New Member
Mar 16, 2018
Hi everyone! I first posted with concern that my SSP earrings may not be authentic. I took them to my jeweler and they in fact are authentic 15mm+ set in white 14kt gold. I’m so happy!! I also posted that I wanted to find a SS pearl necklace. Several of you suggested the freshwater “Edison” pearls. I found a reputable jeweler who had a nice strand for sale & I took a chance. The price was perfect. The strand arrived today and I am THRILLED!! I think they look amazing. Tell me what you think.
The necklace is Edison freshwater. A few of the pearls in the photo don’t look completely round. It’s just the photo. They are completely round. The earrings in the photo are SS pearls.

Here you go! Not a great picture. My old saggy neck. But I am so thrilled with the pearls. And even more happy I didn’t have to spend a fortune!!
Thank you! I am really pleased. I wasn’t even aware of “Edison” pearls until coming here to you wonderful people. :) I have wanted a strand of South Sea pearls and a pair of earrings for a long time. I have many other strands of Akoyas and smaller freshwater. But no SS. I found my earrings for a good price. But then promptly panicked, thinking they were not authentic, which brought me here. So I was prepared to fork out lots more money for a strand of South Sea pearls. But I ended up getting MY strand for about the same price as the earrings!!! YIPPY!!

I’m sure a professional or a pro-pearl person could tell the difference looking at them. But I really don’t see that much difference. And certainly not the $1000’s of dollars difference in price it would have cost to get the South Sea pearls. Now I can go buy more stuff!!
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Enjoy your beautiful pearls. They look magnificent together. And I'm all for saving $, more opportunity to add to your Pearl collection.