Freshadama Overtone


New Member
Oct 1, 2016
This is your typical 'first time poster, long time lurker' post - hi everyone, I'm new here, but I've been following for a while. I really want to make my first ever pearl purchase, and I was hoping I could get some feedback before splurging on pearls.

I've wanted to own a strand of pearls since I was a little girl, but I've never been able to afford one. I've been saving up for about ten years now, and am hoping to finally treat myself. I've been doing some research, and while the thought of buying jewelry online is still completely foreign to me, I've been lurking around the Pearl Paradise website for a year or so now and am very intrigued by the Freshadama line. However, I know that there are quite a few people on this forum that have experience with them, and I wanted to ask a couple of questions.

I've been looking at the white Freshadamas, but I wondered if anyone had seen them in person and could give me an idea of their overtones? I love white pearls (and black pearls, and Tahitian pearls of all shades – but I definitely can't afford those!), but because I'm a bit prone to redness and rosacea, I really want to avoid anything with pink overtones. Pink shades really bring out everything I want to hide!

If the Freshadamas are listed as having a white body color, how might you describe the overtones?

I love the complex orient and soft luster of freshwater pearls, and am not worried about the colors associated with the pearl orient, but I am worried about the overtone. I would certainly appreciate any feedback, or advice on how to avoid pink shades of pearls more generally.

Thank you in advance!
Welcome Katenem!

You can ask PP to send you photos of a few Freshadama stands with silver overtones, and choose the strand you like best.

I want to add that we are approaching the time of year when PP has sales and discount codes. Get on their mailing list so you are informed when there is a 15% off code. Also, if buying when there is no discount code, they have a discount called "pearl points" -- see the link at the bottom of their home page.

Also...remember that round pearls do not show orient as much as baroque pearls do.
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Welcome Katenem. So glad you decided to post! I would definitely call PP customer service and ask them to send you several photos, under different lighting conditions. They are wonderful, and usually send photos quickly. Also, I believe PP is offering a discount this month, so do be sure to ask (you might have received an email with a code). Good luck with finding your strand! And please post photos of the one you select.
Isn't it 20% off everything right now? There is a banner on their website - well there was yesterday anyway. For Halloween!
Thank you for all of the replies! I took your advice and emailed Pearl Paradise to ask, although given how late it is now, I doubt I'll get a reply in time to take advantage of the sale. I guess that, given how long I've been eyeing the strand, I should have asked this question earlier! In any case, I would still love to hear any perspectives on the Freshadama collection, or advice on avoiding to much pink more generally.
I'd be surprised if the sale were not honored for you.

The silver-rose tone blended in with my skin too much but looked very good on my daughter, who is paler than me.

On the other hand, a strand of baroque akoyas I have (which like 99% of akoyas are bleached and pinked) look bright white against my skin. So I don't know if it's so much a rose undertone in general that is the issue, or the fact that FWP seem to have a warmer white body color generally than akoyas or south sea pearls, and perhaps a rose tone on top of that warmer body color is the problem for me.