Frequent hand washing and pearl rings...


May 12, 2012
Just a question about those who wear pearl rings...I just bought my first pearl ring and I was wondering what the recommendation is for hand washing while wearing pearl rings. I know that cosmetics and hair products should not come into contact with pearls, but what about plain old soap and water? I'm in healthcare and need to handwash frequently, should I be removing my ring every time? Also, I'm a little concerned about washing without the ring in case the ring itself becomes contaminated with bacteria or germs. Any advice or tips would be appreciated!
I would not wear the ring to work!

The hand cleansers used in all health care settings are harsher than simple soap and water. And forget Purell! Neither would be good for the pearl.
I'd remove the ring before washing my hands- the chlorine in the tap water can slowly begin eating away at the epoxy adhesive, sneak into residual bubbles inside the mounting, and weaken the pearls' perch on the mounting pin and cup. I own a pearl ring that I adore, try to wear it daily, and introduce it to water almost never if I can avoid it. And in a healthcare facility where you're washing your hands all the time, it might be easier to just leave the ring at home if you can bear to part with it (I know how hard that can be!)...
I'm with the 'leave the ring at home' brigade. Too frequent washing will not be great for the ring (and if it is the ring in your avatar it will be hard to clean under it and the ring itself because it is quite big)and if you remove it there isn't any point in washing your hands as putting the ring back on will contaminate them immediately.
(I learned a lot about hand hygiene practicalities when working on a ring for a nurse)