First Rope for 2021


Community member
Jun 3, 2013
Happy New Year!! A bit of a de-stash for the start of the year and came up with this.
My first of many (hopefully) this year. I’ve been so busy stringing in December that my new goal for 2021 is to be stringing full time and quit my day job :) This is the year to do it!!
How many here string pearls full time?

Very pretty rope. I don't know anyone that restrings only full time. Usually stringing and restringing is a complement to selling pearls or findings etc. Probably the big pearl producers has someone that only does that. Good luck, I might be wrong. It isn't a big market in sweden. Mostly people wears the pearls until the strand breaks and then either put it away or goes to s jewelry store and pay a lot (that’s why I learnt to string myself). That would be the crappy jewelry stores that sells bad chinese pearls for 1000$. There are hardly any good pearl stores here.
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I don't think I could string full time. It does a number on my hands. I'm in awe of the people who do it full time.
Thank you Charlotta! I am lucky to be based in Western Australia, so plenty of South Sea retailers (and producers!). I’m also finding that now people are becoming more sustainable and conscious of not being a “throw away” society, they are now more inclined to get their favourite piece repaired rather than buy a new one.

Hi BWeaves...luckily my hands hold up pretty well, it’s the eyes that need a bit of help for me!

Here is my second strand for the year already, and lucky to have been asked by one of the big producers to repair it for their stock. Definitely needed PowerPro for this one!


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That south sea strand is amazing. Luckliy you do live where there are pearls. In sweden there are no pearls to be found, well there were some riverpearls at some time, but those are protected by law (since 1930:s if I'm not mistaken). I have seen pictures of those pearls, they look like non to shiny teeths. So I woun't search for them (at auctions that is, I'm not going fishing). The sea around sweden is very cold, should there be a possiblity to culture pearls of some kind they would have a good luster however. Pearls aren't all that popular in sweden sadly enough. Most people cannot tell if their pearls are cultured or fake.
Beautifully done knotting, Cam, and I wish you the best with your stringing business plans! What fabulous WSS and multi-color potpourri rope! It sounds like you are in the perfect location!

I do lots of stringing and wire-work for a local pearl business and also repair and string for private clients; not quite full time except at certain times of the year. Additional time spent in my Etsy shop with everything pearl-related makes it more than a full-time career!

Will you be selling your own knotted strands, too, through your website or a local boutique? There are so many directions to go ~
Thanks Pattye! I am thinking of selling some pieces, but still playing with the right ‘style’ or collection to start with that’s just a bit different than what’s out there now. I had fun with the potpourri rope and adding some fun beaders secret colours might be the way to go!
Very pretty first strand and nice knotting! All the best on your 2021 goals!!
Hi Camhatch, in answer to your first post as to someone who makes a living stringing full time.......waves

I am sort of semi retired now, (The overnight benders are a thing of the past) I have had my business since 1984 and worked within the industry in various roles for a number of years before that. Over the years I have done thousands upon thousands of stringing jobs since going full-time.

I am still busy stringing but have the luxury of choosing what I want to work on. I have a great love of pearls, but for my hobby/ selling I make vintage style costume jewellery, and hubby makes Lampwork glass beads that I string for some galleries

I am used to working on volume on short notice as well as handling my regular repair work. I find repairs the most interesting (and often most educational) as each repair is via the hands of a previous stringer.

With those big gorgeous South Sea pearls, I have never needed to use power pro on this size of Pearl, with good technique and using an appropriate volume of thread a well executed job can be done with “normal” pearl threads. I have never had, or encountered any problems from my clients in both satisfaction or returns.

Good on you for giving stringing a go, I hope you succeed in your goal of going full time.

BWaves, I have used tweezers since the get go, my hands are in good condition for my age, now the other parts of my body that may be a different story :-)
Thank you so much for the insight Bernadette! I can understand there would have been overnight benders throughout your career. So many of the retail jewellery stores here send their pearl/bead repairs “Over East”, that I know there is some opportunity here. I also love the private repair many interesting pieces and so many stories behind them.
I’ll be putting in another BS order soon! After my first few orders through Pattye...I was glad to find you supplying in Oz!
Thank you for your thoughts :)