Fire Mountain Beads\Pearls


New Member
Jan 18, 2007
I am a newbie beader and I need some help. I am looking for wholesale beading websites. The only one i've found and trusted to buy from was Fire Mountain but I was disappointed with them. I spent a lot of money on poor quality beads and it seemed a bit too expensive. Any suggestions on wholesale beading supplies website as well as pearls?
Pearl wholesale

Pearl wholesale


have a look at Nice Pearls, good prices. Integrity is buying directly from China.

Good luck!
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thank you for all the suggestions and help. I've checked out the websites that have been posted on this thread and WOW!!! Thank you. I am a happy beader. What I was looking for was a variety of different sizes of pearls but good quality. I am just looking for a company that deliver what they advertise. thanks for the help everyone.
(Thanks, Inge, for the mention!) When it comes to freshwater pearl beads, generally one "quality factor" that affects their value is whether or not they have "rings". Cheap pearls with rings on them (bands, ridges, or whatever you want to call them) are widely available, and SHOULD cost you 2/3rds or even half of what the same pearls without rings would cost. Whoever you order from, try to determine if the pearls have rings or not. (I'm not saying rings are wrong. Many creative people LOVE them. But you should not pay MORE for the rings - you should pay LESS!)
I found this link to a PBS show on making jewelry. I think they've been doing it about two years. I haven't actually seen the show and I think alot of it is an infomercial for Fire Mountain. But they do have projects and ideas. They also have a design gallery on their website but no instructions, if I'm not mistaken. Also, has projects. Their site not only has instructions, it also tells you how much the piece will cost to make, which is really helpful.
I also saw some unusual magnetic clasps on autie's beads website.
fgaussm said:
I am a newbie beader and I need some help. I am looking for wholesale beading websites. The only one i've found and trusted to buy from was Fire Mountain but I was disappointed with them. I spent a lot of money on poor quality beads and it seemed a bit too expensive. Any suggestions on wholesale beading supplies website as well as pearls?

FMG is Great For many things Beading.. and with them the mroe you get the cheaper the Price. So it is better to buy in bulk form them not just one or two things.

The sites that have been listed are good ones...

also Shipwreck beads is another good place. for beads....

Neither of these siites are wholesale theya re retail. is another site However it is just a registration site not a site like FMG.. you need ot be a vendor to use them.. This is a wholesale business...

Knowinfg hat you want especially the Quality of pearls is half the battle.. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!