FineSilkPearl and LGL Certs

  • Thread starter Thread starter O'toole
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Well, the pictures look nice, but don't buy them. They are all freshwater pearls - not akoya pearls as the certificates and the seller state. Now either the lab certs have been doctored, or they come from just another "lab" that somehow cannot tell the difference between a freshwater and an Akoya pearl necklace. So either way the certificates are completely meaningless. They are absolutely not any real indication of value nor of the pearls you will be receiving. My favorite is the 9-10mm peach colored "solid nacre Akoya". That would be a $100,000 necklace on auction, easy! But only $100 on eBay ;)
Maybe you should drop a note to and ask them if they really did prepare the certs and whether or not they would stand behind them.
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Even I know that 9-10mm akoya pearls are not normal. ebay is really, really sad. Why do they not do something?!?!?!?!
Thank you SOOOOO much. I would have felt like such a fool if I had found out later.
jshepherd said:
Now either the lab certs have been doctored, or they come from just another "lab" that somehow cannot tell the difference between a freshwater and an Akoya pearl necklace. So either way the certificates are completely meaningless. They are absolutely not any real indication of value nor of the pearls you will be receiving.

no kidding.
"Pearl necklaces in each category have been appraised by LGL. The appraised necklaces and their LGL certifications are for reference only. Individual necklaces meet the same specifications and quality as those appraised. Individual necklace LGL certification is not provided.

For an additional fee ($60), individual necklace LGL certificate will be provided."

so your item has never been looked at by any "lab," legit or otherwise. and then they tack on $25 to the cost of the service you could buy yourself for $35.
AND the lab is definitely shady. I did email them like suggested and they were not very responsive. Here is the email tag I played with them.

I am writing to find out whether the certificates used by an eBay seller
are indeed from you. I have learned from an online forum that either the
certs are doctored, or they are just a scam. Here is the link:

The certs state Akoya as does the seller, but the pearls are clearly freshwater.

Please explain.

Labtrade Gemological Laboratory <> wrote:

These are real reports, but the report shown on the website does not go
with the pearls in the large picture, this report is just being used as
an example of the report you would recieve. We do recommend seeing the
actual report before purchase and not a sample. We understand the
confusion. If you need any other clarification we suggest you contact the
Sincerely, Labtrade Customer Service

Labtrade Gemological Laboratory
2780 South Jones Blvd, Suite E
Las Vegas NV 89146
Phone 702-220-5500
Fax 702-220-5592

I wrote:
Then you are telling me that you are creating reports that state such
things as a 9-10mm Akoya necklace when they are clearly freshwater. Is
this intentional or can you guys really not tell the difference between a
freshwater strand and an Akoya strand? Can you see, all reports state
Akoya, all pictures shown are freshwater, and a 9-10mm Akoya would not
exist (it would be 9-9.5 or 9.5-10mm) and if it were "fine" quality as
described in the appraisal it would cost so much more than $6000. Let me
know and think about it before you respond because I intend to post
this on the forum.

And their last reponse:

If you are not happy with a piece you purchased we recomnend you
the vendor for a refund, Im sure they would be happy to assist you.

Sincerely, Labtrade Customer Service

Labtrade Gemological Laboratory
2780 South Jones Blvd, Suite E
Las Vegas NV 89146
Phone 702-220-5500
Fax 702-220-5592

Anyway I am not going to take their recomnendation because there is now way on this earth I would buy from them.
I love formats like this that out the losers and protect the consumers!