Exerpts from hard to find pearl books

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Actually, I think they allow you to read the whole book online. Super.
Catelle, Ferguson, Kunz, Streeter and Tavernier, read them all.

jshepherd said:
Time to start printing!

No kidding!! What a treasure trove.

Here's something from Catelle that made me laugh:

"From that day, with the extension of commerce, and the growth of Western nations in affluence and refinement, the demand for pearls grew and spread until even the rude island of Britain learned to appreciate them."


Yeah! I see a few new titles too! I think... I found out about Farlang right on this forum, months ago.
Slraep said:
No kidding!! What a treasure trove.

Here's something from Catelle that made me laugh:

"even the rude island of Britain learned to appreciate them."



Who you callin' rude ? :D

Seriously, there's a great piece in there on what appears to be early Cortez pearls ?
Sueki said:
Who you callin' rude ? :D

Don't worry Sueki, Catelle pretty much insults everyone on earth at any time in history. I thought that sentence was funny because the Brits have always been the ones to be compared to for sophistication. I guess Catelle was talking about that nebulous time period way back when Americans were the cool ones???

Hi Slraep,
Sophisticated ?
Well, well, I never knew that.
I must get out more often...
Google offers this pearl book in a downloadable form. It is a public domain book and may be quoted from freely.
American Pearls

By Howard E. Washburn


PS I have been studying on the Farlang webiste for a couple of hours. This is a fantastic public service-- to provide online facsimilies of many old and out of print books which are in the public domain but unavailable or of limited and high priced availability.

I must remember to personally thank them at the gem show this year. I hope some of you others will think of it too.

Ash and other historically minded may find this page interesting
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Farlang Books

Farlang Books

Hi there,

We want to thank you for listing us here, and for all compliments. We have quite a few plans with our site (Farlang.com) which extends beyond books alone. Nevertheless also with regards to books we will upload a larger selection in the next 2 months, including pages from travel reports dealing with gems, diamonds, jewelry and pearls.

In any case, if you'd like to stay updated we have a special "pearl page" for now: www.farlang.com/gemstones/pearls where we grouped together "all" books, chapters, and interesting topics that can be found in the library as well as a huge list of famous pearls together for your convenience.

Books were given to us in several ways, and we personally scanned many 10.000nds of pages, translated them into text, edited most errors and brought them online.

In the near future, our "online marker" will be available as well: you can then highlight text, annotate it, store it and later on share it as well with a few mouse clicks.

Happy New Year !

Patrick Slavenburg
co-founder www.farlang.com
As a member of this forum I also like to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this informative reading. I have addeded your site to my favourites and will follow upon everything that is/was written on pearls!

Caitlin Williams said:
By Howard E. Washburn

Ash and other historically minded may find this page interesting


Thank you!

Patrick and the Farlang gang.

Thank you! for having such a great service. I am definately going to Bookmark this one!

Happy New Year!

Thank you Patrick from Farlang! You've given me much reading pleasure! Excellent info generously made available to us curious pearl people.

Best Wishes,


Hi guys

We are very flattered by the response ! We have several ideas to build upon the library such as showing some museum pieces (i.e. photographs).

We have a few question:

1) is there anything you would like us to improve, or that cannot be used properly, on our site (as it is now) ?

2) Are there any topics, themes, type of material you feel should be present, and cannot be found elsewhere on the web ?

3) We have some reservations about the usability of our pearl page (www.farlang.com/gemstones/pearls). Or do you feel that (for now) you can manage ?

Any comments (please feel free to be very critical and direct, we can handle it :p ) would be very helpful.