Drillers Remorse?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2008
Not sure which forum to post this to so thought this would be the best one...... I recently had an - well let's call it an "experience" with a strand of (just awful) Overstock.com Tahitians (thankfully returned for a full refund) Then decided instead to get a single large Tahitian baroque on a leather cord but sort of busted out on that too as far as the size and shape goes (the price put me off a bit too..... it was just too much for a single pearl I felt) So I decided "well, I'll just make my own then!" and have now bought about 15 loose pearls so far (a mix of Etsy, eBay and one from Kojima pearl - all very reasonably priced I think - one batch was of 9 pearls for $15. Not the best quality for sure but still cute enough to use for crafting or WHY) Here is my question: this one I just received from Kojima Pearls is SO cute - I decided not to have it drilled before I looked at it because I wasn't sure what to do with it - now I know I don't want to drill it in the usual way (through the axis of symetry) so...... would it be possible to drill it horizontally through the smaller "growth" (don't know how to describe it) I think it looks kind of like a Russian matryoshka doll - could it be drilled through "the head" so to speak? (sorry for the visual doll lovers!) It's 14.5mm long, 10.9mm at the widest part and about 7.5mm at the smaller "blob" where I want it drilled. Experts? Is it possible? Where could I get this done and how much would it cost? (maybe I could send it back to Kojima for them to do for me?) For my other pearls that are undrilled, short of buying a special drill press (I've looked through all the forums and didn't see too much about it) could I send them to be drilled? How much does it usually cost? Also, does anyone know where in Vancouver would be a good place to go? Thanks for all your help! I'll post pics of them all in "show me your pearls" if anyone is interested......



  • Pearl - Tahitian baroque - 10.9 x 14.5 - $40 - 2.jpg
    Pearl - Tahitian baroque - 10.9 x 14.5 - $40 - 2.jpg
    17.2 KB · Views: 62
  • Pearl - Tahitian baroque - 10.9 x 14.5 - $40 - 3.jpg
    Pearl - Tahitian baroque - 10.9 x 14.5 - $40 - 3.jpg
    15.2 KB · Views: 63
Duh - that title doesn't go with the rest of the thread...... I had originally set out to ask if anyone had ever regretted drilling into a pearl because they are just so pretty and perfect as is...... then got sidetracked into asking about the drilling question...... please excuse the short attention span....... now what was I saying?.......

- J -
I've drilled them like that before. It is not an easy thing to do because of the way the cups hold the pearl. If the ring is indented enough, it may be possible to grip the pearl while supporting the base so it doesn't move.
Another way is to create a sort of vice for the pearl, that is at least the length of the pearl. The cups can then squeeze the vice at any point, allowing a drill hole near the top. The best way to do this is to start with a small bit first. After a small hole has been made it is possible to finish the hole by hand, gradually increasing the size of the bit.

We made a piece once with drop pearls, hanging from leather knotted at the top. It took a lot of creativity to get it just right (can you tell?).
I've drilled pearls freehand. You do not need a 'proper' pearl drill, just a fast ordinary one, strong and steady fingers and good nerves and a good eye for direction.
Use your ordinary drill, get hold of a .7 or .8mm drill bit and away you go.
The critical time is as you start to drill - getting the drill hole going in exactly the right direction - you can get someone else to help line up the drill.
Then just don't drill your thumb
If you want to thread this pearl onto leather you'll need a bigger hole, but start on the smallest drill you can find. (Make sure you hold it steady too, they can break off in the pearl because drill bits don't bend if you wiggle the drill about)
The reason I don't do them freehand for the first hole is because you take the chance of chipping the pearl if you drill all they way through from one side. This is especially the case using a large bit. It is nearly impossible to do half and half from both sides freehand.
It is nearly impossible to do half and half from both sides freehand.

Thanks for the advice - that thread I saw was on the Tahitian forum. The last post on the thread was about this little drill "jig" that this guy had bought and asked if anyone had ever used one. I don't think anyone replied (I sent him a private message about it but haven't heard back. It was a while ago so he may not be on the forum anymore).

Well I have all those cheap ones I thought I could practice on (and they wouldn't be worth paying anyone else to drill for me - I'm just going to make little bead necklaces with them for my friends and their kids I think) I have both a regular drill and a Dremel (not sure what the RPM is on the Dremel - whether it would go fast enough to drill through a pearl) THIS one is my baby though - I LOVE it - don't want to screw it up. The woman from Kojima Pearls is a member here - maybe I'll write her and ask her about drilling it that way (sideways through the upper drop) for me.....

- Jodie -
That's a great pearl. I understand the hesitation. I bet there is a good chance that Sarah at Kojima would work with you to have it drilled. Show us the results when you get a chance!
Pattye - under water? No, the drill would short out?

Jeremy, even if there is slight chipping of the drill hole at .7mm this can be corrected when enlarging the hole to 1.5mm for a leather thong. More extensive chipping is possible of course but there is a balancing between doing and risk in everything!

Jodie The Dremel is prob too slow/underpowered. It looks more fitted to the job but because it is smaller it just won't have the power to drill fast and clean (It will drill slowly and the pearl will get very hot). I tried mine before using the full size one
Here is a photo of one I drilled earlier - I don't like the photo much and am going to re-do it when I get a chance, but this is the look you want for your pearl ..yes? This is presently on fine silver chain but it is loose so could go onto a fine leather thong too - you get the idea.
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THIS appears likely to adapt to wire wrapping... if the groove of the pearl is enough for safety. No drilling at all.
THIS appears likely to adapt to wire wrapping... if the groove of the pearl is enough for safety. No drilling at all.

Oooh! I LOVE that! So cute! And it has a little "hat" at the top too! What is that? Is it a pearl? I don't think the groove on mine would support that though - it's really only on that one side.

Wendy - yes, thanks - that's how I wanted it drilled. Haven't contacted Sarah yet about it. Got another pearl in the mail the other day so was working on that the last few days (I can stop ANYTIME - REALLY I can!) It was already drilled through so I just bought some black chain and put a wire through it and attached it to make a choker out of it (more delicate looking than the leather strap). The black chain looks really nice with the dark pearl (I think anyways)......

Thanks for all the advice everyone! I'll update when I start drilling (my dad is pretty handy, I'm thinking he can help me set up some jig or vice for drilling).

- Jodie -
Not a pearl - a little gourd-shaped jadeite stone about 14mm long.

Ahhh - I thought it might have been one of those exotic pearls from some mussel or whatever that I'd never heard of (not sure what the scientific name is for all of them - are oysters and mussels bi-valves?) I never even KNEW conch pearls existed until a year ago. Or quahog (I think that's how it's spelled) I don't even know what those ARE! I am in LOVE with abalone pearls now. MUST have one one day.

This is going to turn into an expensive hobby...... sigh.....

- Jodie -
Well Mausketeer, I wish you all the best, regardless of how you get this pearl drilled. However it will always be a lot more special if you drill it yourself. If you want the best job done on it then definitely go with Sarah at Kojima, but... oh... you do get attached to your pearls... and even more so when you did every step yourself.