Decorative lobster clasps in gold, platinum, etc.

  • Thread starter Thread starter preswine
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I'm looking for decorative lobster/parrot clasps to be used as a (functional) charm on a necklace. The function is to make it easy to clip something to the necklace for safe keeping.

I really like this clasp:

There seems to be a whole collection of animal clasps just like it. Unfortunately, these pieces are in sterling silver, which is somewhat high maintenance and, in my opinion, isn't really a precious metal anyway (not for the last hundred years at least).

Does anyone know where I can find similarly decorative pieces in gold or platinum-group metals (or even Argentium Silver for its lower maintenance)? G&S sells clasps in all the metals of interest, but nothing I'd consider decorative.
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I don't know of any myself but it will be interesting to see what sources people here know about. I haven't seen animal clasps before and being an animal lover I really like the idea. That elephant is pretty cool.
Try CGM, Firemountain, and Rio Grande (although the latter probably only has silver).
Preswine: You're a guy who knows what he wants and doesn't stop until he gets it. Go to Carl Clasmeyer makes all kinds of imaginative clasps. He has a macaw spring ring and a parrot toggle but he also does custom designs. I have a his rose clasp and the treasure chest with the anchor in it. They are very special.
Hi Knotty,

Wow, those are some clasps!! Also do like that little elephant! Do you mind my asking, Preswine, where that is available?

so many pearls, so little time
pattye said:
Hi Knotty,

Wow, those are some clasps!! Also do like that little elephant! Do you mind my asking, Preswine, where that is available?

so many pearls, so little time

Hi Pattye

(preswine, hope you don't mind me stepping in here). has the elephant clasp, and some other interesting ones too--kissing birds, fish, etc.
Yes, artbeads has the elephant clasp. Oh Casey! I know! I've loved that for a long time. I always thought it was a one-of-a-kind piece, but I'm beginning to wonder. Tri-color gold is my fav, if I have to do gold, that is. BTW, his pieces are heavily oxidized so you don't have to worry about tarnishing. It really gives his pieces dimension.
Thanks, Ann,

Well, no excuse for missing that one--I order from artbeads all the time! Thanks again!

so many pearls, so little time said:
Hi Pattye

(preswine, hope you don't mind me stepping in here). has the elephant clasp, and some other interesting ones too--kissing birds, fish, etc. also has many (if not all) of the animal clasps found at, but at much lower prices. Of course halsteadbead is wholesale.

knotty panda said:
Preswine: You're a guy who knows what he wants and doesn't stop until he gets it. Go to Carl Clasmeyer makes all kinds of imaginative clasps. He has a macaw spring ring and a parrot toggle but he also does custom designs. I have a his rose clasp and the treasure chest with the anchor in it. They are very special.

Thanks for the link. I am a guy that knows what he wants and doesn't stop until he gets it, but I can't put as much time into every purchase as I put into that pearl. I need to hold down a job to pay for all this stuff. ;)
Obviously I'm exceedingly curious to know what you come up with. Post pics of the finished product!
knotty panda said:
Obviously I'm exceedingly curious to know what you come up with. Post pics of the finished product!

I decided I'm going to buy in silver and have it electroplated with a platinum group metal. The selection in silver findings is simply too great to pass up and platinum group electroplating offers most of the advantages of the more precious metals, but at a much lower price point.

Can anyone recommend a plating with one platinum group metal over another (rhodium versus platinum, for example)? Moreover can anyone recommend an electroplating service?
LOL. I was reading your post and thinking to myself "now where in the world is he going to get that!" Then I continued reading, you have no idea! But, you're on a mission and I'm quite sure you'll get the job done with a marvelous story to tell about your journey. Keep us posted!

(Actually, this whole parrot thing has me intrigued. What could be so compelling about a parrot?)
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Hi Preswine,

My DIL had her wedding set which was originally in yellow gold, rhodium plated for a white metal look. She just took it to her jeweler, but I bet they sent it out. I think it might be easier to find someone to do rhodium plating. Although I know platinum plating is being done also. (There is a whole line of platinum plated jewelry on QVC!!)

Keep us posted--am curious about the cost!! And how hard it was to find someone to do it!

so many pearls, so little time

I can't wait to get up in the AM and see what y'all are up to!!!
Hi Preswine,
It will be easiest to find someone to rhodium plate a clasp for you. A lot of white gold jewelry is rhodium plated plated now , for various reasons. Everytime a rhodium plated ring is sized or has a repair that involves heat done it needs to be rhodium plated again, because the plating lifts when heated. There should be lots of repair shops that are able to rhodium plate something for you as they are doing it regularly.
