Curious newbie


New Member
Oct 19, 2013
Hi I am new on this site, I got interested with pearls last summer when I bought few pearls from "Badjao" seller here in Philippines for really cheap price about 25usd all these sets. I am just wondering are these fresh water pearls? I also don't know if they are real.. I did some test that google suggested I did the teeth test it feels rough, then the rubbing there's powder like residue but after wiping it looks like I didn't scratch them. And then this really crazy one, I read that pearls will dissolve in vinegar I get one pearl and put some part in vinegar for long time, it seems like it change to flat not really sure but I see bubbles from the pearl. So are these real and did I get them in good price? just curious ;)

the metal I guess is bronze coated with silver because they already. I gave the one with pendant to my mother-in-law picture right :) (but real or not they are still beautiful)

Hello and welcome,

Yes, these all seem to be freshwater pearls. The necklace with the large pendant has "ringed" pearls. The pendant shows 3 mabes that have been left on the shell. The top middle set seem to be button pearls and the bottom, unable to see if they are mabes or not. Unfortunately plated settings can wear off rather quickly.

I feel you purchased some fun pearl pieces for a good price.