Confused on information


Jul 4, 2017
I was browsing and finding out information on akoya and i came across a page on Facebook.

It posted today that it had two akoya's in one shell.
also it had a link button and it brought me straight to this page.

Ive looked at the information on this page and on akoya's and some says one bead nucleated per harvest and another saying up to 5 beads.
Which one would it be?
Could you get two pearl per one akoya oyster?.

That is the link for the page.
Ive messaged them but they haven't replied yet

Thanks for reading
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Akoya oysters have just one bead (plus a bit of mantle tissue from a donor oyster to stimulate formation of a pearl sac) placed in the gonad, over which nacre is laid by the oyster over the many months that it's on the water at the farm. Thus only one akoya pearl comes out of each shell at the harvest. The only natural colors of akoyas are white (which are then bleached and pinked in factories to be uniformly white with a slight rose overtone), silver-blue and yellow. Black akoyas have been dyed.

The pearls that are being sold at by folks running Facebook pearl-opening parties are much less valuable freshwater pearls, cultivated in freshwater mussels.

Freshwater mussels are large, and can be simultaneously grafted with many bits of mantle tissue taken from a donor mussel. Nacre is laid over each of these bits of tissue by the mussel over many months in the water at the farm, which produces at the harvest many freshwater pearls with no bead inside. As there is no bead inside, most are off-round, but the Chinese have gotten better at producing nearly round freshwater pearls.

The freshwater pearls that will be sold as white are then bleached at the factory.
Pastel pink/peach and pale lavender are natural colors in freshwater pearls.
Black, red, dark blue, purple, green and other intense colors are gotten by dyeing the freshwater pearl at the factory.

In the case of pearls to be sold at these Facebook parties, juvenile akoya oysters (too young to be grafted) are opened, one or more freshwater pearls are placed inside to make it appear that they came originally from that oyster, and the oyster is submerged in a solution that makes the oyster contract its muscle to close the shell tightly, and also kills the oyster. This dead akoya oyster with a freshwater pearl inside is packed in preserving solution and sold that way.

I don't see the appeal in it, myself. People spend a ton of money and all they end up with is overpriced, unmatched pearl jewelry.
Midnight Lily. It sounds like you were looking at one of the scam pearl opening party pages. The pearls are freshwater pearls which are put into akoya oyster shells just so the openers can make a huge amount of money
Midnight Lily. It sounds like you were looking at one of the scam pearl opening party pages. The pearls are freshwater pearls which are put into akoya oyster shells just so the openers can make a huge amount of money

The page is called an Appreciation page and its not a selling page.

It has posted pictures of those cheap dyed freshwater pearls too so its discrediting itself there

I think it is run by a Pearl Party Leader though
Akoya historically were grafted with 3-5 nuclei, depending on the size. Only one nucleation would be used if a bigger and better quality pearl was wanted. I think the "two in an oyster" is something the pearl party people are promoting as lucky.
OOOOOhhhh...just sad the circus abusing oysters for no real purpose other than the show...
Akoya historically were grafted with 3-5 nuclei, depending on the size. Only one nucleation would be used if a bigger and better quality pearl was wanted. I think the "two in an oyster" is something the pearl party people are promoting as lucky.

I think I need to reread the CPAA course!

I'm amazed. How did they fit 3-5 nuclei in the gonad? Well, I suppose if they were very small...
I saw that they can fit up to 5 in the gonad but I would expect them to be pretty small.

It amazing what people do for the world of entertainment
Historically. I just wanted to point out that it hasn't always been one, which is why people searching for information would get different answers. In this case, it's a pearl party thing. Otherwise no one would see an oyster. :)
Now that I think of it, the "3.5 momme" graduated strands had a lot of very small pearls and only a few larger ones.