Colored Stone magazine - March / April '09


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2006
I received my copy of "Colored Stone" magazine today. This issue is devoted to pearls with many beautiful pictures......... some of them are courtesy of Pearl Paradise. There's also quite an informative article written by Jeremy.

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It would be nice to be able to read Jeremy's article. I bet the photos are amazing. I wish I can see them. I've been navigating that website for the last week trying to find it, but was unsuccessful.
It was a good opportunity for the story. David Federman offered us the full pearl atlas part of the issue including the cover (all the pearls on the cover of the issue are ours). The entire article is eight pages and there are a lot of photos. I am going to check with Colored Stone about PDF rights to see if I can publish it online.
Having your article over here could be good for Colored Stone too.
I think you can order online. I just emailed David Federman and asked for a PDF with permission to post it here.