Colored Stone Article

Nice article and interesting factoids. Thank you for sharing the info on the company's volume and average sales. It helps us add some perspective to our business. We experienced similar figures this past December. Agreed customers are becoming slightly more frugal with their spending and it is all a matter of reading the market and putting product out there that makes sense for the given time.
Very well-written! I think it gives consumers a boost in confidence knowing there are vendors working on their side, so to speak. And promotes healthy competition. You're definitely right that when this all blows over, those who survive will come through alot stronger.
Thank you, Jeremy. It's a very informative article. Also there are specific areas of specific concentrations listed in the last sentence. The pearl pictures are beautiful. I drool just looking at them. What are the green floating things in the FW farm ? Are those similar to the orange buoys we see in saltwater farming?
I've been noticing similar numbers over the last 07/08 selling seasons- volume has pretty much remained steady or gone up slightly, but the average ticket has been halved as customers turn to more "bang for the buck" purchases such as gemmy Freshies and the smaller Tahitian Baroque strands. This past season, I noticed a HUGE jump in bracelet, earring and pendant sales as opposed to full strands as well.
I've actually received quite a bit of feedback from the article already. It seems that many retailers are feeling the same thing. Well, I am sure not all retailers are - some are not getting sales period.

I really what I said about those that weather the storm. It takes a lot of creativity and hard work to make a recession work for you when you deal in a luxury-category industry. But when things start to get better, those that make it through strong will hold a big lead.
I was wondering about that! Thanks for the info and marketing tips.

Also this issue of CS right before the gem show is probably the best issue to get an article read.

I am fascinated by finding out how much attendance the Gem Show will get and the buyer patterns
Any news of what new things might that bout of competitive pressure in China's freshwater business bring about?
Mmmmm, a double or triple strand of smaller Tahitians :D

DK ;)
Great article Jeremy! It does sound like what I've heard from others in the jewelry trade. Value is the name of the game during these tough economic times.

You are one akamai dude!!! Wow.


Yuzu seeds. If you find and plant them, can you expect to harvest citron in your lifetime? Seriously.

Also, I'll have dinner at your house at any time. From what you cultivate, you must be a fabulous cook!
I think it takes about 5 years ... quite doable actually!