Cleaning pearls before stringing?


New Member
Aug 12, 2007
A couple of questions for the pearl stringers out there.

I've always cleaned pearls before stringing. I use a commercial preparation called Hagerty Pearl Clean. I've used it for about 15 years and it works a treat on loose pearls and knotted strands too. After cleaning in the solution, the pearls are rinsed and allowed to dry for one or two days depending on when I get to them.

My questions are:

1. Do you clean your pearls before you string them and how important do you think the cleaning process is?

I'm referring to loose pearls not restringing projects, as I know it's important to clean pearls that are being restrung.

2. If you clean them, do you know of any homemade cleaning solution recipes that work as well as commercial preparations?

I'm trying to economize, if possible, as commercial preparations are expensive for a small quantity of solution.

I'll be in the position of stringing a very large quantity of loose pearls shortly, and I wonder if this step in my stringing process is really necessary.

I'd like some input from the pearl retailers too but I may need to post in another forum, as I don't know if they frequent the Lowly Beaders Club forum often.

Hi Serenity,
I always clean pearls prior to stringing.
I find that loose pearls, including those on temporary strands, are often very dusty, and need a clean.
I use a mild solution of baby shampoo, or the kind of shampoo made for sensitive skins - no added colour, perfumes, etc.
Just swish the pearls around for a few minutes, then rinse in clean lukewarm water.
And then wrap them in a clean towel.
I feel like such a scuz! I snip the end off that temporary strand and go to town! But, yeah, Caitlin's right about the bottled water and the name of the soap Sueki is thinking of is castile, I think. She's right about its purity.
I've never cleaned pearls before, but I was wondering, what are the ingredients in the Hagerty Pearl Clean? Maybe someone here can recommend a less expensive alternative that contains the same ingredients. Or maybe you can develop a homemade recipe which is similar and cheaper. Just an idea.

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Zeide first recommended expensive, mild, Castille soap for pearls. I think she was right. It would be ever so slightly alkaline, if not Ph balanced. I would think a slight. alkaline cleaner would not hurt pearls at all.

I would try a drop, enough to break the surface tension, but not a lot.

A thorough rinsing would still be in order. (the I start thinking about that durned silk thread.....)

Besides strecthing up to 26%, monofiliment silk thread does not like water much on principle. Enduring soap and water is not its calling or its job in life.

Therefore if your pearls are dirty enough to wash, then it is better to restring them as well.
Whole Foods, the store, has liquid castille soap in many bottle sizes. I decided to try some on a double strand of tiny dirty old pearls from ebay. First I did restring on very fine wire, as they were not knotted between each pearl, now I need to send them to be appraised. Just thought you all might like to know castille soap is available in liquid form.

so many pearls, so little time