

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
I still lament about the rings Kojima had where Tahiti pearls were set in dragon claws that I didn't buy in time. Today this led to me to see what else is around that I can use to take some of the 'nice' out of wearing pearls. My only claw catch are these on Etsy,, that are connectors.

They work by pressing a 8 mm bead into the claws. I can see them being used with finishing off a pearl bracelet (or necklace) with two beads so the pearls won't take damage but would it hold? Are you supposed to use it like a kind of clasp or should the pearls be strung on elastic? And has anyone else seen cool claws?

- Karin
Hey KarinK I have seen these pendant styles worn (mostly amongst D&D players, but most with just crystals), even worn with pearls! The first time I saw a man wearing a black pearl (back in 1994) it was an Australian pearl farmer with a pendant of a dragon's claw clutching the pearl. But this is something I have seldom seen (maybe sometimes at the Tucson Gem Show).

The ones I've seen -with pearls- seldom have round pearls, focusing mostly on baroques, circled (yes, the rings are excellent for this) and drops (usually drilled and with a post driven in).
I have never seen them with connectors before!
I did see a bunch of the those in the picture but none as findings and none with pearls.
Exactly. And most are like not high-end jeweler. They are more like for Cosplaying, dressing up...a very niche product. But you could find one you like and commission one to a local jeweler perhaps? It's what I would do if I can't find exactly what I want.
But it's always complicated. Been there.