Can you help me with this seed Pearl Necklace?


New Member
Apr 7, 2013
I inherited this seed Pearl Necklace from my Mother who I think inherited them from her Mother. I have done the usual test and rubbed them against my teeth and they are very gritty. They are a creamy colour but it has a gold filigree clasp but the clasp has no markings. I am puzzled as the pearls look real so I would have expected the clasp to be real gold? :confused:

Are they real? 001.jpg002.jpg
Thank you! Do you have any idea of value and what type of pearl are they? Thanks
Hi Susy,

It's quite possible the clasp is not gold. It's a common misunderstanding that pearls are uniformly valuable. Check out any bead store (on-line too) and they'll have pearls at a few dollars a strand. It'll be freshwater pearls but they are real enough. It seems your pearls are Chinese freshwater of no particular monetary value but cute and pretty and a fun no-risk item to wear.

- Karin
Also, the marking for metal content is sometimes on the tongue of the clasp.
Hi Susy,
Your pearls seem to be real but without seeing them in person no one can say 100%. As for the clasp it's possible it's gold, or gold plated but it's very difficult to tell in the pictures. You can always take it to a jewelers to get tested. These are a great family heirloom that you should hang on to because as Karin mentioned they do not have a great momentary value.