Can anyone tell me anything about my pearls?


Apr 26, 2007
I recently bought a baroque pearl necklace but the antique shop was unable to tell me anything about the pearls. I know for sure that the clasp is from 1830 but whether the pearls are original to the necklace, I am not sure. They are 6mm pearls of a warm colour. Can anyone tell me anything more about them?


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That's fine color and lustre (JeremyS, for the strand of Chinese Akoyas I mentioned). Likewise I eagerly await the comments of the pros and experts here.

Could this be pre-Mikimoto?

Thanks Steve, I must say I am really curious to know more. One more thing I forgot to mention is that I know the clasp is from Holland and is gold. The antique dealer was dutch and knew this for sure. He had similar necklaces but in coral which seemed to be more popular in holland at that time and hence why he really didn't know much about the pearls themselves.
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Hi Cvdijk,

The pearls look to be Chinese freshwaters. The originals have probably been changed.

It is also possible that the original necklace was not composed of pearls.

EDIT: just reread your last post--yes, I was thinking coral.

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Dear Slraep

Does this mean they are cultivated? Sorry for my lack of knowledge...this is my first ever encounter with pearls. I guess I am also looking for reassurance that I didn't pay too much as it was an impulse buy. I paid $1500USD. If this was over priced, then I have learnt my lesson :)

One thing you may want toconsider is the weight of the clasp. With gold being $600+ an ounce these days and it being an antique, the clasp alone could be worth the price you paid. It looks like gold work on top of soomehing. Amber, maybe?

Just looked up todays prices and gold is a little over $650 an ounce. Yikes!
cvdijk said:
Dear Slraep

Does this mean they are cultivated? Sorry for my lack of knowledge...this is my first ever encounter with pearls. I guess I am also looking for reassurance that I didn't pay too much as it was an impulse buy. I paid $1500USD. If this was over priced, then I have learnt my lesson :)

The pearls do appear to be Chinese freshwater. But I agree that the clasp looks substantial, and the clasp may have serious value. If the pearls are Chinese freshwater, they are indeed cultured. Unfortunately they would not be very valuable. The value would rest solely in the clasp.
Hi Cvdijk,

The smaller sized potatoey freshwaters are not worth very much, but they certainly look great with that clasp. If you love the necklace and intend on wearing it then it is not that bad of a deal. I personally like that clasp alot. You can always replace the existing pearls with rounder, better quality freshwaters.

I think the clasp alone is fabulously original and exoic looking, and worth what you paid.

Thanks for your responses, that makes me feel a lot better. I will weigh the clasp shortly to see how much gold is in it. The photos don't seem to do justice to the filigree work and I imagine the labour involved in making it these days would be substantial. As for the pearls, I was attracted to the warm colour and lustre...and indeed, even the worst of pearls would still probably look great with this clasp. :)
The age and the craftsmanship add a lot to the value( as you probably know):) . So even if the weight seems light, it is still just a fraction of the value. At a typical jewler, I could see that going for much higher than you paid. And for pearl lovers, unique items like that are invaluable. SoI would go with Slraep's suggestion and replace thepearls if you want a closer to round. I am sure many of the companies who frequent this site could help you out. Although, I think it loooks lovely as it is. I think it was a great buy!
salem said:
So I would go with Slraep's suggestion and replace the pearls if you want a closer to round. I am sure many of the companies who frequent this site could help you out. Although, I think it loooks lovely as it is. I think it was a great buy!

The necklace is fine to my eye, perfectly round pearls would destroy the period feel?totally aside from value and quality considerations.

I don't know what they are but the clasp is beautiful and the whole piece is really nice!
Actually that's a very good point I hadn't thought of. I guess if you were trying to keep to the period, very few perfectly shaped pearls would have been available. I also like the irregularity as it gives texture to the piece (I am an interior designer and love working with texture so i guess this is why i was drawn to the piece)