c.1890-1910 Art Nouveau Ring sold as "Natural Pearl"


New Member
Feb 2, 2015
Hello all,
This is my first post here, and I was referred to this forum by a kind soul over at PriceScope. (Original post: http://www.pricescope.com/forum/rockytalky/i-hope-you-ll-say-it-s-nice-i-love-this-ring-t210296.html )

Basically, I received an circa 1890-1910 Art Nouveau ring as a gift from a dear friend, and I wear it all the time, but I've lately been worried about the condition of the diamond and am considering moving the stone to a pendant. In the course of my inquiry at the other site, some nice people suggested that the pearl (if natural) is more valuable than the diamond and that I should not wear the ring except for special occasions. Of course, it saddens me to leave the ring in a jewelry box forevermore.

What do you all think of the SugarLoaf shaped pearl - not "Natural" as the seller claimed? Either way, would it be very expensive to replace it if I damaged it in wearing it often? I've placed it on a necklace for now but my fingers ache to wear it again.

Thanks so much for your thoughts! :-)


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IMO that's the genuine article. Gorgeous pearl and gorgeous ring. If you want to satisfy your curiosity, then you ought to send the ring to GIA to get the pearl tested. I would not worry about the diamond, though I would have a jeweler check out the prongs to make sure they don't need to be tightened or retipped. I'd wear that beaut every day!
That is a gorgous ring!

Natural pearls are expensive but that looks like a good size diamond so I don't think it's be worth more than the diamond. If the time frame is correct it would be from before cultured pearls came about. Others will be better able to comment on the pearl being natural, though, as it could have been changed. Just want to add that if it is, it's solid nacre and can stand much more wear than a cultured pearl.

- Karin
The gold pattern and the smooth gold looks very crisp and unscratched for a ring which is over 100 years old. Without a hallmark you have only the word of the seller (eBay) and an educated guess from the style.
Have you had it checked that that is a diamond? Have you had the carat of the gold checked.
As we've seen all too often in other threads, eBay is full of hyperbole and puff
I'm always suspicious, but sorry to be so gloomy
Take away the reputed age and you have a pretty ring, which might be gold, with maybe a diamond, maybe a zircon etc and a cultured button pearl
In the absence of lab testing, your pearl presents with some natural features. It's solid nacre and quite durable. Of course, many items could be damaged by mechanical shock, abrasion or harsh chemicals, but I wouldn't be overly concerned about damaging this through normal wear.

For being a century old, it's in terrific condition. Considering the paired diamond shows signs of minor damage, it itself attests to durability and longevity. If for some unforeseen reason it becomes damaged, it could be replaced with either natural or cultured pearls.

As others have suggested, the claws need some attention, but this ring is suitable for everyday wear.

It's a nice piece and a wonderful gift.
What a beautiful gift! I love the style of the ring in the warm rose gold, and the diamond and pearl are both lovely and have such character. I can see why you want to wear it often. I agree about having a jeweler check the prongs.
I've had more problems with gold wearing away and prongs failing and pearls falling away, than with wear on pearls.

(The exception to that statement would be my akoya strand, which did finally just get too worn looking, but your pearl isnt Akoya.)
Touch up the prongs, or if you can't do it now, keep an eye on them. Enjoy your ring, I think it's beautiful

caveat - avoid cleaning chemicals, and chlorine, and don't wear it in chlorinated pools. That's about it for warnings.
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Thank you so much for your comments; you all really made my day! I was a bit afraid to peek in to see what you thought in case it didn't pass muster! :-)

I'd love the ring even if it were from a cracker-jack box. Thank you so much for your responses!
What a graceful design! It's a lovely ring, and though I'm late to the party, echo the others who've encouraged you to wear and enjoy your special gift, avoid chemicals and have the prong repaired. A good jeweler can verify whether it is a diamond and the gold karat.
Gorgeous! Ditto everyone else's advice on repairs. I would wear it all of the time!
As others have said, have your jeweler pay some attention to the diamond prongs. One of the great things about a 6-prong setting is that failure of one prong doesn't make the diamond unstable. But failure of two prongs could put you in the danger zone...

It's really impossible to say for sure without a full examination, but everything I see and you say suggests it is a natural pearl.

Bottom line: What is the point of jewelry you can't wear? Unless you consider this an 'investment'... wear and enjoy...
Life is too short not to wear and use the beautiful things we have the privilege of owning.