Buying a necklace - need help, please


Community member
Apr 26, 2010
The price seems fair. One thing I would definitely ask, however, is whether or not the necklace is a "stock photo." On other words, is the necklace the same one you will receive or is it a representative photo of the strand?

Laguna Pearl hasn't been discussed here as far as I know. But they are the same as (same company), so the same necklace (SKU is almost identical) is here, but for slightly more -

I am guessing they are stock photos because of this post from more than two years ago -

The link and photo are still the same, meaning it is a stock photo.
I would add that they are not using the de facto grading system of pearl professionals. A rating higher than AAA invariably means, the sellers know little about pearls, or that they never noticed how the pros grade, or they do know and are being misleading.

So far every AAAA pearl necklace I have ever seen has actually been grade "A" at best. And they are usually freshwater cultured and often found on eBay. The commercial producers do not usually have access to the really round pearls except for the lowest grade A. A quality pearls tend to be eggy, though they can have good luster. Tahitian grading is always A, B, C, or D. AAAA grade has nothing to do with Tahitians. That coupled with the stock photos do not let you know what the necklace you paid for looks like.

Calling pearls AAAA strongly indicates that
1. this seller is an amateur on pearls, perhaps, has no clue but what they learned on eBay
2. they do not know or choose not to follow, industry wide standards.
3. They want their grade A pearls (Not including Tahitians) to sound better than the best pearls from the pros.

I'd strongly recommend you look at a company that shows individual pix for each piece. Try one of the round Tahitian pearls online sellers who post here.

Good luck!

I just noticed the clasp is a larger size than the pearls. That's a detail, but the clasp should be identical in size to the pearls. What does it say when that kind of detail is overlooked. Being a stock photo, you can ask, "Are they still using oversized clasps? Why?" It costs more and you get a clasp that doesn't fit the pearls.........
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OK, it's a stock photo, but compared with what we've been treated to visually on Pearl Guide - I'm totally unmoved, absolutely uninspired.

Please look through the posts on this site before you commit to anything, Addy. You'll be absolutely wowed when you see some of the members' Tahitians, knocked out! There's one bracelet in particular I hope you see. I'll be right back; I need to look up the post for you.

Oh, boy! It's so much fun to share these beauties! Wait til you see the quality of the photographs, too - taken by amateurs, but absolutely gorgeous!
It is Pearl source who says AAAA and has the oversized clasp- Laguna pearls says AAA, and does not show the clasp. Either way, their grading system is made up and applies to them only. But who knows that unless you read their grading comparison page.
Hi Addy, I'm back.

Here are a couple of posts; I didn't find the one I wanted to show you, but the owner might post later on.

Look under the forum topic Show us your pearls; 1)posted 7-9-2009 by Hanaleimom;

2)beadweaver, posted 7-15-2009;

Also, Imanit has posted a pic of a Baroque Tahitian necklace.

Well, that's a start, I hope you have fun here,

Lisa C
Thank you everybody for your time!

WOW! Now I do realize that I have to look around more.

I did call them up, and was told that they use these pictures on other websites too.

Please, do recommend other websites that I can check out for some Tahitian pearl necklaces.

Thank you again!!!

Hi Addy,

Welcome, and yes, take your time shopping. while reading the Tahitian thread you are sure to come across some other trustworthy vendors that use photos of the actual strands one is considering for purchase. Tahitians do have many variations in wonderful colors and overtones, some of which might appeal to you more than others.
Thank you again for all the useful information! I will not get in a hurry that's for sure.

I am in Colorado.

Best regards,

I asked where you are because it affects who you will want to shop with - someone on the same continent obviously makes sense.
Sure, no problem. It makes perfectly sense.
I will keep on looking...
Hi again, Addy,

I don't know how internet savvy you are, or not (I didn't know diddly when I first started reading on this site). If you're really savvy please just be patient with my info, ok?

If you look under the member name, at the bottom left corner of each post you might see a bunch of internet sites in blue. These indicate members of Pearl Guide who also are in the pearl business. I'm not a vendor, and don't own significant pearls, just love pearls.

Anyway, the vendors don't self-promote here. Everybody's really cool, friendly, and helpful, but they don't chase you. You get in touch w them.

When you start researching places to buy, it'll help if you start with the vendors on this site. If nothing else, you'll get examples of super stuff (which might spoil you for the common stuff, but hey, it gives us something to dream on), a good range, and a way to evaluate what's for sale elsewhere.

(You guys, don't laugh!! - it took me months to see the blue addresses in the corner, because computers, and sites, and posts are all new to me)
Hi Lisa,

Thank you for the very useful info. I am not an internet savvy either but I try to figure things out as I go along (sometimes slowly) and of course I ask lots of questions before I make a purchase like this.

Best regards,
The necklace in the link posted by the OP looks rather "dull" to me. Good shapes, and the pearls appear to quite clean and free of imperfections. Quite good lustre too.

However, the colour just does not "pop" for me, sorry!

DK :)
There is a "color" tab under the picture of the lagunapearl link. There you can choose black, silver or green overtones. IMHO, the black one does not look appealing.
Hi DK,

Thank you for your honest opinion. I asked the salesperson about that and was told that the base is green and the overtones are black. Since I do not have this necklace in my hands I cannot figure out if it is dull. The reason I am here is because I am not an expert in pearls.

So, is it a fact that tahitian black pearls (with very dark overtones) are dull?

By the way, I've changed my mind. I am looking at this one now 9-10.5mm:

Now, I am curious about your opinion, ladies and gentleman on the other two colors available, silver and green.

Thank you for your time, everybody!

You gave the link, but there are lots of information missing. What is your skintone, eye color, hair color? Which colors do you wear the most? Which colors appeal to you black, silver or green overtone?

You'll get opinions and advices based on your coloring. But there are other factors too. You will be the one wearing the necklace. Which overtone will you be happy with the most?

Hopefully your local stores stock enough tahitians so you can try a few to find the overtone that speaks to you, or eliminate the overtone that you don't like.
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Here are some links to help you with more information. Look at the Pearl Color section of Pearl Paradise's link, you'll find the common overtones there. Dark pearls do not necessarily mean they are dull (a luster factor). Black overtone seems very dark, which does not necessarily show off Tahitian pearls' beauty too well. The average consumers sometimes think Tahitian black pearls must be black. But they do come in a wide variety of colors.
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That's a very good approach!

My skin tone is light-skinned European

Eyes - green

Hair - medium brown

Colors I wear the most, and also my favorite: black, white, grey, light blue, and browns.

This is the thing, I do not have local stores that stock them. I would have to drive quite a bit to get to Denver.

Does age count? I'm 41.

Thank you again.