"Bubble strand" - what sizes to get?

Precious Pearl

Community member
Mar 28, 2009
I will start collecting Tahitian pearls and I want a multicolor "Bubble strand". I am now thinking of the sizes of the pearls and how many I need of each size. I assume 8-13 mm would be good?! Shall I get the same amount of the same size or what do you suggest? I am a bit nervous to start buying loose pearls before having a good idea regarding how to do this... Any advice would be highly appreciated!
This is quite an endeavor! Are you envisioning a finished strand flowing somewhat symmetrically or more of a mixed size and shape style?

8-13 is a wide range to work with, but I think the selection really depends on what you want the finished strand to look like.
This is quite an endeavor! Are you envisioning a finished strand flowing somewhat symmetrically or more of a mixed size and shape style?

8-13 is a wide range to work with, but I think the selection really depends on what you want the finished strand to look like.

I would like something like this (and a really "colourful" strand - obviously different colours): Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!! - Pearl-Guide.com
Precious Pearl I am a big fan of @jeg’s Bubble so I made a little analysis of it :-) It is approximate of course, but maybe it can help you. Next I would look into colors and how many of each there are... I would buy a 8mm bracelet with the colors I need ( ask a recommended vendor for those colors) and this way I would already have a bracelet I can use while collecting other pearls :-) Happy pearl hunting!
Precious Pearl I am a big fan of @jeg’s Bubble so I made a little analysis of it :-) It is approximate of course, but maybe it can help you. Next I would look into colors and how many of each there are... I would buy a 8mm bracelet with the colors I need ( ask a recommended vendor for those colors) and this way I would already have a bracelet I can use while collecting other pearls :-) Happy pearl hunting!

I cannot thank you enough, this is very helpful! One again thank you so much! :You_Rock_Emoticon:
Hi Precious Pearl! 8-13mm is a pretty big range. You might want to focus on 9-11mm first, unless you see an outstanding pearl you can’t pass up. The nice thing about a bubble strand is, it will all fit in somewhere. The color range might be a different story. My bubble strand you are referencing has unusual colors for Tahitians. It also might not play well with the more typical Tahitian colors. I remember you seemed pretty set on collecting pearls individually, so I think I would focus on 9-11mm to begin with, in colors that jump out to you. Once you have a little grouping, you’ll see how the color scheme and sizes are working for you. I’m away right now, so I don’t remember the exact mm range, but I am pulling some old photos. One is of some Fiji pearls I purchased from Cees. They were on a temp strand that I rearranged to create a bubble look because I wanted some of the colors to be more contrasting. The other strand is the sister strand to bubbles. It has a much more subtle bubble effect, but just to show that you don’t necessarily need a huge range of sizes.