Some people asked for details about the necklace I showed in Jeremy's "Loot!" thread. I made it last summer and am not 100% sure of the details (I have a mind like a steel sieve) but I believe the links are 20ga (although I purchased the chain, I didn't make it) and the head pins are 24ga. There are 2mm silver spacers at the top of the pearls, and I used a 5mm jump ring to attach the pearls, rather than looping them directly to the chain. I used a toggle clasp to close it - I just love them toggles...
Everyone is always welcome to copy any of my designs. Pearly goodness is meant to be shared!
Also, I am posting a photo of my one and only (so far!) Tahitian necklace, which is a tin cup style but with an unusual chain (I forget the name of the style of the chain - anybody care to jog my memory?) I am using the very finest of ratty bath towel for my backdrop (I use it to keep the cat hair off my desk chair, and it was the most convenient thing to hang the necklace on...) Again, I apologize for the blur - photography isn't my strong suit
Everyone is always welcome to copy any of my designs. Pearly goodness is meant to be shared!

Also, I am posting a photo of my one and only (so far!) Tahitian necklace, which is a tin cup style but with an unusual chain (I forget the name of the style of the chain - anybody care to jog my memory?) I am using the very finest of ratty bath towel for my backdrop (I use it to keep the cat hair off my desk chair, and it was the most convenient thing to hang the necklace on...) Again, I apologize for the blur - photography isn't my strong suit