Birthday Pearls


Mar 21, 2005
Mama's Birthday was this week. Her dementia was in force until I showed her the "birthday tiara". She has such a reverence and love of pearls.

Her Hospice team and the activities coordinator really wanted to make it special. They love her where she is. The aides and techs during shift change came and serenaded her. We presented her with her chocolate cake. Then showed her the tiara... She suddenly quipped (quoting here) "Oh my a tiara for my birthday! A tiara just for me! LOOK IT HAS REAL PEARLS!" She was over the moon happy. She even smiled! Snagged this photo of her wearing her tiara.

Found "poor mans replica of Princess Diana's Lover's Knot tiara (one of her favorites because pearls). Swapped out the plastic teardrop shaped "pearls" for beading quality roundish pearls just for her. She was so cute, feeling like a queen in her tiara, as it should be. Then she asked me to take it home and keep it safe so it didn't "wander off".

She was so adorable and had a great time.


Pearls do make life better.

Oh what a wonderful way to celebrate your Mom Ash! Such a thoughtful gift and heartwarming celebration! Beautiful tiara and yes pearls do make everything better but what shines the most here is the love you share:heart:
Lovely celebration :)
I am Happy to hear you could offer your Mom a lovely moment :grouphug:
Marvelous, Ash! Pearls are a wonderful lift and solace. My sister always knows when I’m handling pearls. She says my voice calms, and becomes meditative. I hope it’s the same for you.
She looks so happy! My mom had dementia as well, and loved to wear her (imitation) pearls every day.
She looks so happy! My mom had dementia as well, and loved to wear her (imitation) pearls every day.
OH, I LOVE IT!!!! Your mother looks so happy in her tiara with real pearls. I'm swooning.
Oh, Ash. Been there. Your mother's joy in her birthday and pearls broke through dementia because of your love for her and hers for you. Dementia can't hold love back. The last words my mother spoke, after many many many months of being non-verbal in a care giving environment were words of advice for her granddaughter, who was 8 months pregnant at the time. We hadn't even been sure she understood that news, except for a tear that trickled down her cheek ... until months later, when the pregnancy advice stuttered out :) Blessings to you and your mother, Ash.
Hi Cathy,

Mama loves her pearly bling. Just wanted to celebrate a precious moment with everyone here. Thank you everyone for letting me. Pearls bring their magic with them for those whose hearts are open.

Much love,
Happy Birthday to your sweet Mom, Ash. This is the best story I've read online in a long time. The photo of her in her tiara was fantastic. Thank you for sharing her day....
Mama's Birthday was this week. Her dementia was in force until I showed her the "birthday tiara". She has such a reverence and love of pearls.

Her Hospice team and the activities coordinator really wanted to make it special. They love her where she is. The aides and techs during shift change came and serenaded her. We presented her with her chocolate cake. Then showed her the tiara... She suddenly quipped (quoting here) "Oh my a tiara for my birthday! A tiara just for me! LOOK IT HAS REAL PEARLS!" She was over the moon happy. She even smiled! Snagged this photo of her wearing her tiara.

Found "poor mans replica of Princess Diana's Lover's Knot tiara (one of her favorites because pearls). Swapped out the plastic teardrop shaped "pearls" for beading quality roundish pearls just for her. She was so cute, feeling like a queen in her tiara, as it should be. Then she asked me to take it home and keep it safe so it didn't "wander off".

She was so adorable and had a great time.

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Pearls do make life better.

Ash, I JUST joined this site (so I could reply) after reading your post about your mom. It made me smile and touched my heart. I'm sure you'll cherish that memory forever. 💝
I initially found this site when I was googling "How to re-string seed pearls". Is there a good place to post my question (after I take a photo?) It's a rather large project and those seed pearls are almost microscopic!