Best color gemstones to complement pearls


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2020
Hello all,

I want to make a pendant to this italian gold chain that wears very close to the neck, almost like a choker. I have lots and lots of gemstones of every size and color. It is fla surprise for my mother and she likes to wear a shorter necklace or chain to match these two longer necklaces, one with gold tubes other with just pearls. I want to maybe just do a single color one or maybe a multicolored one, but it must be a good match to pearls and to both necklaces.

What do you think? Which colors better complement pearls? Any design ideas? It is sad to see all those stones wrapped up and not used around. I tried to include a sample of the gemstones to get you a better idea. There are citrines, from pale to strong yellow and orange, garnets, Green, blue, red and pink tourmalines, blue topaz, high quality opals, every shade of blue aquamarines, amethysts, emeralds, pink and brown quartz.

Maybe I should buy some loose pearls and include in the pendant? Any help and opinion will be very welcome. Thank you all in advance.


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Elias, I'm simply dazzled by all those gorgeous gemstones! So do I understand that the gold chain will be the choker style necklace? Will you have the pendant set in gold? Most pendants can be made with a removable bail that could clip over the chain or through a link, and your Mother could over time have a lovely collection of gems to interchange. Personally, I'd start with some of the larger gems; you may know what she favors for color. The two chains will make a strong statement and a large pendant might be a good balance. What an awesome and thoughtful gift! Please let us know what you decide!
What a beautiful, thought-filled idea, and what a glorious array of gems!

Will it be dangling against her skin do you think, or over a shirt or blouse?

(it occurs to me “fla”, in the op, could stand for “for love alone” ?)
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If you use an enhancer bail, then you can clip the pendant onto any pearl or chain necklace. Move it around, reuse it on different necklaces.

I'm drawn to the "gemstone" colors, and by that I mean the rich aqua color, purples, reds, emerald greens. But the lighter colors look great, too.

Seriously, I don't think you can go wrong here. You have a beautiful collection of stones.

My mother had a 36" long heavy gold chain that had different shapes of large colored gemstones every 4 or 5 inches in bezel settings. My sister ended up with that necklace.
I agree: use an enhancer bail and she can use it with different pearls and chains. For myself, I am drawn to the blues and purples, and have used tanzanites, sapphires, amethysts and opals with pearls. Different colors bring out different overtones in the pearls. What colors does your mother typically wear?
Hello Pattye, Lisa c, BWaves and Linda.wald, Thank you all. I really liked the idea of the removable or enhancer bail. This way I won't need to send the chain to the jeweler. She wears the longer necklaces over the blouse, but the shorter I think it will be over the skin because it is a very short chain. Also, I remembered she has a shorter akoyas necklace that has a gold bead between each pearl and she can use the pendant with that necklace too. She wears mostly neutral colors, beige, black, brown, blue. To be honest i didn't wanted to do a single large stone pendant but a nice mix of colors with some chic design but have absolutely no idea. Maybe just a nice large stone in the middle and several other ones around. If it were for you what would you like? I wanted the pendant to be kind of bold, maybe round, maybe use some diamonds, I'm really not sure, maybe mix the shapes of the stones also. As the whiter stones glow kind of pink I was thinking in just use light pink and light blue stones. But the one with the gold tubes the peals are more yellowish more cream, so maybe just use the yellows and brown stones. To be honest I wanted something with every color but the jeweler I talked here said that he wouldn't advice to mix more expensive stones like the emeralds, aqua and imperial tourmalines with cheaper stones like the citrines and pink and brown quartz, so that made me confused. What do you think?
I think you should give her something you love. Don't mind what the jeweller says. Unless your mother likes really flashy jewelry, you may want to keep it a bit simple, though, or there is a risk she'll never wear it. With an enhancer design, you could give her several and she could even wear several at the same time by layering pearl necklaces and gold chains, attaching a pendant to each one.

- Karin
Sounds like two pendants, one in earth tones and one in jewel tones. Those tourmalines are gorgeous!!!