Beijing vacation/how to buy?

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I'm going to visit Beijing next month and would like to get some freshwater pearl necklaces/earrings. I know from reading other posts that getting good quality stuff requires going to a tradeshow, but we won't have time for that on our itenerary. I have heard at least 2 people tell me firsthand that pearls they got at the "pearl market" in Beijing for $100 were appraised at $1000 or more in the U.S. Is this possible?

Also, how can I judge the quality of pearls? I'm considering buying a 30X loupe; I can't seem to tell much on the tooth test. How much should I pay for a good quality 17" necklace with beads at 7.5 mm?

By the way, this is an awesome forum. I've been looking up pearl information all day trying to figure out what to look for, and was getting really confused on the whole nucleus thing with saltwaters and freshwaters. This site really cleared that up!
Beijing is a great place to shop, and you will have a good time in Hongqiao not just for pearls, but for all types of products made in China.
I am happy to make a few suggestions for you in the market. First, when you reach the third floor you will be amazed by all the pearl dealers in little booths. This area is fine to peruse, but head up one more floor. This floor has the offices (and the bosses) of the smaller shops from the floor below.

I know most of the dealers on this floor, and the only one I can really recommend is Ling Ling Pearl. Li Ling Lin, the owner, is very honest, and she has been a friend of mine for nearly 10 years. Tell her what you would like and she would be able to help you out.

I suggest going in talking as though you have done your research as well. Tell her you want high quality freshwater strands in the 7-8mm range, at $1000-$1100 per kilo. These pearls should appear to be perfect round to the naked eye, have a very high luster, and clean surface. A kilo of these freshwater pearls comes out to about 33 strands, so the price (give or take) should be about $34 (for the loose hank). It will take about 1.5 hanks to create a necklace/bracelet set. For the clasps choose 14k. Do NOT accept 10k, as this is actually gold plated, not 10k gold. The clasps should be $4 and change each.

As for the earrings, if they are a slight button I would suggest paying about $5 for a pair with 14k backs. If the pearls are round (7-8mm) you can pay in $10-$15 per pair.

The labor is very cheap in Beijing, so you should not have to pay anything for the stringing.

I would suggest staying away from Akoya and Tahitian pearls in Beijing. The market rarely has high quality Akoya pearls, and the Tahitian pearls are always priced too high.

Here is a picture of a very high quality freshwater set:

I would not suggest you settle for less than this look.

One last rule of thumb if you are shopping around the market; I never pay more than 30% of the original asking price in the market. Everything, and I do mean everything, is negotiable. They will say 'this is below my cost, I cannot stay in business, you are so smart....' - it is all just a game.

Good luck!
People like you are why I love the internet. It can be such an awesome source of easy-to-find, accurate information if you go the right place.

Had to gush, that really was a thorough answer. If you (or anyone) could answer a couple more.... the only thing I could find about customs out of China was that you didn't have to pay fees/taxes on amounts that were considered a "reasonable amount" for personal use. Any idea how liberal their interpretation of that is?

Also, when they string the pearls for me, will they be knotted between each pearl, or do I need to specifically request/pay for that?

Thanks again!
You are very welcome!

Regarding -

the only thing I could find about customs out of China was that you didn't have to pay fees/taxes on amounts that were considered a "reasonable amount" for personal use. Any idea how liberal their interpretation of that is?

Which direction do you mean? Going into China or leaving?

I have never had any problems going in or leaving. If you have more than $5000 in cash you are required to disclose this to customs when entering, but no disclosure is required when leaving. I have had my bags searched many times leaving China and they are always completely filled with pearls. I have never encountered any problems.
When entering the States, however, you need to be a bit more careful. Ask each dealer for a receipt, and disclose the full amount to customs. If you plan to resell, and you have purchased more than $2000 worth of goods, you will need to contact a broker to carry your goods back to the US. The easiest way to get around this is to ship your goods back to the US via FedEx, as it can be difficult finding a brokerage firm for a single entry. FedEx has in-house brokers which makes shipping very easy.

Also, when they string the pearls for me, will they be knotted between each pearl, or do I need to specifically request/pay for that?

You should not have to request this - they should do this for you. No additional pay is needed. Do not let them charge you for it, and do not accept a strand that is not knotted individually. Also, make sure they use French wire to attach the clasp to the strand. This is a gold-color thread that connects the pearl thread to the clasp. You can see a picture of it here in the close up:
If you do not request this many dealers will not use it. All high-quality strands should have this without exception.

Good luck!
great thread

great thread

How I wish I read this before I venture into Hong Qiao Market. I fell for one of their tricks on the third floor! I should have stayed on the 4th and bought from Ling Ling. The prices she quoted me are more than the rest but I guess the quality is there. How much do you bargain down in Ling Ling?

But overall the pearls that I bought are still cheaper than in my home country. Another place that I did find a good bargain is in Silk Market, this stall called Aileen. Bought a strand of about 8 to 10mm not so round pearl with earrings for about RMB60. The pearls looks real and definitely better than the ones I bought from Hong Qiao Market but I guess the only drawback is limited selection.

Would you recommend buying South Sea Pearls in China? I saw quite a bit on the 4th Floor of Hong Qiao Market.

Ling Ling is honest, but bargaining is always expected. If you are buying a single piece or just a few, I would probably shoot for half of what she asks. BUT, if you bargain hard and get her down on the first piece she will expect this for the next, and automatically raise her price expecting to drop the same amount. It is a game - like poker - the more you practice the better you will do.