Atlanta Pearl Exhibit?


New Member
Sep 8, 2007
Did anybody here get to see the amazing pearl exhibit at the Ferbank Museum in Atlanta last year? It was UNBELIEVABLE!! Tons of historic designs, examples of every kind of pearl. I was like Brer Rabbit in the Briar patch! I wonder if this is a travelling exhibit....
I believe this is the same exhibit that is now in Paris. It has traveled all over the US and I think even world wide and has now made it to Europe. It's called Pearls: A Natural History. It does have some pretty spectacular pieces.
sleight said:
I believe this is the same exhibit that is now in Paris. It has traveled all over the US and I think even world wide and has now made it to Europe. It's called Pearls: A Natural History. It does have some pretty spectacular pieces.

Hi sleight,
do you know if this exhibition gets to other countries in Europe? I am thinking of Sweden, of course.:D
It is indeed a traveling exhibit. It was all over the United States last year. I highly recommend it if the exhibit is in your area. It was in Houston last spring!
I did call the museum here in Portland OR and ask them to look into it!

so many pearls, so little time
We have so many threads mentoning this exhibit, that I am not even going to list them all here. Do a Search. We have been thrilled about it since 2005 that I remember. Here is the first time I mentioned it. I quoted a pretty good article in that thread.

Also they have a book of the same title, Pearls, a Natural History. It is available on Amazon for a pittance. Well it seems to have gone up a bit but it is less than $20.00. this show is sponsored by the AMNH and the Field museum. Valeria even started a thread on it here less than a month ago with a great link to the cover of the book here.

On second thought above mentioned show is spending a year in Paris, so I don't think it is the same show.
There is a second show traveling around called "the Allure of Pearls". First mention of that show is here. It is very easy to confuse these two shows, but I think it is the Allure of Pearls that is traveing around the US. It is sponsored by the Smithsonian.
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sleight said:
I believe this is the same exhibit that is now in Paris.


I'll be in Paris, but with hardly any time to go off the scheduled track :mad: ...