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I also have a non-pearl question.

What the heck??

What on earth would you "plate" gold with that would give you a chocolate colored metal? Are there any metals out there that would give you a natural chocolate color? If so, why don't people just wear those instead of plating gold with chocolate? This seems weird to me. And brown is my favorite color. So, if anyone would go for this, it seems like it should be me.
Check out They have brown metal watches. It must be some sort of electrode coloring process like in titanium.
Hi Gals,

They are plating gold with gold that has different alloys in it that make it brownish. I personally do not have any, but it is selling like hotcakes! Just another variation, like rose gold, green gold, black rhodium plated, it is a patent process so they are not saying exactly what is making it that color. I have seen it sold a number of times.

so many pearls, so little time has the low down on how these strange gold colors are made... black and blue from surface treatment, purple and bluish gray from crumbly intermetallic compounds :rolleyes: A THREAD on GO has a bit on those if you are interested. frankly, matching pearl and gold colors sounds fun (and difficult ;)).


Pink-yellow-purple-white gold by Hans Meevis
Thanks, Valeria,

An interesting discussion of colors of gold on that thread.

so many pearls, so little time