Any websites like this for Diamonds / Gemstones



Hi Everyone!

I have recently started my GG course and pearls course through the GIA and am finding this website to be a goldmine of information on the pearl front. However I really need to find a site similar to this for diamonds and gemstones. Any ideas?

Hi Lucy,
Check out It's a diamond site, sponsored by some of the big internet diamond dealers I believe. They have a colored stones forum, though, as well. Richard Wise has even been known to post there occasionally!

Thanks very much for the plug. There seem to be two sorts of forums out there; those that provide a free excange of ideas and those that have a sales agenda. I call the latter Shill-Sites. Diamondtalk falls into the category of a Shill-Site the prime objective of which is to get you to buy from their network jewelers. Any information that they don't like is deleted.

Due to a misunderstanding with its owner, I don't post to Pricescope, though there are some very good people on the site. I post on and, of course, Pearl-Guide. Gemologyonline is a Great site, lots of young eager consumers and gemology students. Lots of depth as well. A really impressive membership.
I had no idea that you were no longer posting over at that other site. I used to specifically surf the colored stone section looking for your comments! I'll check out the other site you mentioned instead.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thanks guys for all the reccomendations! I have just looked at gemology online and that looks to be exactly what I need! Not checked the other sites yet, I'll take a look at those on my next break from studying!

Thanks again!