Any meaning behind color?


New Member
Nov 9, 2012
(Goodness, I hope this doesn't post twice, I somehow made my previous post disappear)

Anyway, hello! :) I have a twin sister, and I've decided that for our next birthday, I'm going to buy us a set of matching pearl necklaces. I'm thinking about just classic white freshwater pearls, but I think the lavender are lovely, too, and so I was wondering if there's any meaning behind the different colors of pearls? I know this is probably a very silly question, and as I look around the forum, it seems to me that people just buy what they love! But I didn't want to get my sister a set of pearls that should, symbolically, be given by a spouse. ;) I was wondering what everyone thought.

Sorry if this is terribly silly; this is my first pearl purchase, so I know next to nothing about pearls (other than what I've been learning here!). The only set of "pearls" I have are red and glass and I was able to choose it from a collection of my grandmother's jewelry after she passed away, so I love them anyway, but it doesn't make me any more knowledgeable about real pearls. :D

Thanks, everyone!
Lavender pearls are a natural color in freshwater pearls, and my favorite for many years. They also come in shades of pink or peach as well as lavender or white. Also with the pink and peach there is often a choice of overtones and I think the color is the most stable ezcept for white. Now that my lavender pearls have been worn a lot for 6-7 years, they have a slight bronzing to the lavender. I like it, but some people don't.
Hi Clr-

What a great question! Purple hues are traditionally spiritual and artistic colors, representing a flair for drama and style; it's also the color of royalty and courage in deeper shades. Lavender hues are considered softer and more feminine and so are more often associated with sweetness, love, innocence and loyalty, and would make a fine gift to your sister- why not when Lavender says so many lovely things? :)

Of course, for First Pearl purchases, I tend to recommend White due to their "Classic" status- traditional White pearls will probably stretch a little farther in your wardrobe over Lavender, but that's just MHO and honestly, I love all the colors anyways! :)
I'm no expert but I don't know of any traditions of meanings for the different pearl colors or who they should be from. I guess jewelry in general is a gift husbands traditionally give to their wives, but not in a way that would make it seem strange for anyone else to do so.

As a gift for someone else I'd probably get white pearls, assuming they didn't already have them. As mentioned, they are the classic and go anywhere and with anything. They can be worn with casual clothes or be just the thing for the office or for a formal occasion. So, besides the glamour factor, they are also a very practical gift. Also, it seems to me like everyone pretty much likes white but opinions differ more on the colors. The only exceptions (for me) would be if I knew they'd prefer something else or if they were just such an unconventional person that I couldn't picture them in the classic whites.

But if you would rather do the colors, maybe you could go with a more personal color meaning, like if one of the pearl colors happens to be her favorite color. Another idea is to buy the two strands in different colors, say peach and lavender or black and white, and let her choose which one she wants. Or hedge your bets and get multi-colored strands. Anyway, just my thoughts as I'm sure there is no one right way. I hope you post pics of whatever you decide to get!
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Hey, what a fun question there.
And what a lovely idea to have "twin" pearl necklaces for you and your twin for your birthday!
I love lavender too, but it can be a tricky gift unless it has been tried on to check how it looks against the skin tone etc. White is good, I agree with Sea Urchin, it is the classic pearl color and risk-free.
However, I would like to suggest to you multicolour (natural colors) freshwater pearl necklaces. Have a look - these are really pretty, colorful and can be worn with various colored outfits. Have a look at the photo attached....


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Thank you, everyone, for such thoughtful responses! My sister works at a bank and with her typical wardrobe, I'm leaning towards white because I think it will compliment her style (of course, not just her work style, but her personal style, too), though I'm sure she'd love a lavender set as well. I think the pink and peach hues are also so beautiful and, I suppose, endearing? Unfortunately, I don't have the skin tone to pull those off. (Well, thankfully, because then I'd be in an even bigger conundrum!)

Amrita -- Wow! The multicolored necklace is fabulous! All the colors just compliment each other so wonderfully. It's so strange; I never expected myself to be a pearl kind of girl, but... they're just so classy and beautiful.

Okay. Thanks to everyone's advice and comments, I have decided to go for white since it is safe since we share a rather unforgiving skin color. :D ...but I do see a set of lavender pearls in my personal future... ;)

However, one final question, I was reading a post here about how the bleaching process can damage the pearl over time if it is done improperly. The post, however, was from 2005. I was wondering what you guys thought about this? Is this something any of you have noticed with your pearls?

Thanks again, everyone! You're all awesome. :)
Hi and welcome
You don't say if you are identical or fraternal twins. Do you want identical or non-identical necklaces..and where are you?
I don't knows very well about color of Pearl. i think you should give her which pearl necklaces, she look pretty.