Any Ideas on what I have?


New Member
Aug 9, 2008
These pearls were passed down generation to generation from at least my great grandmother. They're probably from at least the 1910s or 1920s, but very possibly earlier than that. They definitely pass the tooth test. The biggest pearl is probably 5mm. They have great sentimental value, but I've always been curious about them. Sorry I couldn't get any really good close ups, the pics were really blurry. But, the clasp seems to be sterling and marcasite, I think. Any thoughts?


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Based on the photo I would have said it is a vintage akoya strand. But if the dates you have are accurate that would not fit. The strand does not appear to be natural so that would mean it is faux.

Are you certain it is from the 1910-1920s? If it were from 1940-1960 I would think it is an akoya strand.
Its possible that it could be from the 40s or 50s, I suppose. My great grandmother was alive during that period, so she could've bought it later in life and then passed it on. The pearls have grit to them when rubbed against the teeth, so I don't think they are faux (and knowing my grandmother and her family, if they ARE faux, they had no idea.) Thanks for your help. They have great sentimental value, so I was curious.
Isn't the clasp on this strand beautiful? It'd be great with darker pearls.
If it were from 1940-1960 I would think it is an akoya strand.


Any earlier, the silk would likely have detriorated and needed restringing. If they were restrung, the clasp may have been changed from the original.

From the left image, there is evidence of varied coloration of some pearls. Hence probably not faux, which more often than not present with uniformity.
They must be akoyas. What else was there?
They started selling akoyas in the late 30's or so- I think, but not with silver clasps. That came later and was usually intended for Soldiers to take home. My guess mid 40's.

They are not naturals, they are too perfectly round, which naturals really aren't. If they were naturals, then they would not have a silver or marcasite clasp. Those are common on post-war akoyas, though.

Can you check some of the drill holes for wear? There should be some on at least one pearl. What does the wear look like?

In any case, they need to be cleaned and restrung and the clasp polished up. It doesn't look that great, as is.
Oh, I liked it the way it was. It looks rich and warm to me. I'm sure in real life I'd feel compelled to polish it, and a polish would reveal something beautiful too, but right now it reminds me of jet, and dark velvet and firelight.
I really like the necklace in the picture. The pearls look more smooth and shining in the picture. I think it's more like akoya.