About the PeLLegrina pearl

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I am curious to see ounce the PeLLegrina,

I don't mean the PeRegrina which belonged ounce to E Taylor.

I mean the PeLLegrina said "The Incomparable" , 111.5 grains in weight, perfectly spherical and from South America. The pearl was brought to Russia from India in the 18th century. Once part of the Spanish Crown Jewels, this pearl is now lost. It was sold by the Christie's in Geneva in 1987 for $463,800

I cannot find any picture anywhere !
the story of that pearl can be found everywhere but no picture. Who can help?

Many thanks for the happy finder of the picture
I would be looking for the appropriate auction catalogue. Contact the auction house, they also sell image.
The auction catalogue is the best bet.

Also, you may want to look on TRHIS THREAD for the sake of the un-named, huge round pearl set in right... err... you'll see what I mean. There really can't be too many candidates for the sheer size and implied natural provenance.

Just to add an IMO bit: I am a bit confused by the name: 'pellegrina' does not mean 'incomparable' in any language, although the name could be explained by the attribution of the 'Pilgrim pearl' name (with more or less precise spelling) to various remarkable jewels before Ms. Taylor acquired the one you want to avoid and thus re-established a unique object to the name. It is not certain that her pear is the same as the historic, the association was a bit of a matter of fate and is now established by tradition again.
Hello Valeria,

the thread indicated is about the Regente.
The PeLLegrina is not the PeRegrina which is said to mean ?The Pilgrim"
and is a large pear-shaped white pearl of 203.84 grains The pearl was purchased in 1969 for $37,000 by actor Richard Burton for his wife, Elizabeth Taylor, who still owns it.

While the PeLLegrina is 111.5 grains in weight, perfectly spherical

But none picture can be found

I just applied to Christies who sold it in 1987

Meanwhile if someone knows more, I am still interested :)

Thanks in adavannce

that is what Christie's told me ,
I am more confused than ever :confused:

Unfortunately, we do not have this image. The pearl sold in Geneva on 14.5.89, lot 556, was a pear shaped pearl pendant. This is the information that was supplied to me from the department:

The correct reference for "La Pelegrina", which is a pearl and diamond pendant, the pear-shaped pearl of 133.16 grains with rose-cut diamond foliate cap, circular-cut diamond surmount. Lord Twining in "A History of the Crown Jewels of Europe" dates the pearl back to the 17th century when it was apparently part of the Spanish Crown Jewels. As such it would have been given by Philip 14 to his daughter Maria Theresa on the occasion of her marriage to Louis XIV of France.

The catalogue reference goes on to say that the "Pelegrina" is often confused with the PEREGRINA pearl which had been handed down through the Spanish Royal family until Josef Bonaparte took it out of the country in 1813. Via Hortense de Beauharnais it came into possession of Prince Louis Napoleon, who sold it to the Marquess of Abercorn. In 1969 the Peregrina pearl was acquired at Parke Bernet's by Miss Elizabeth Taylor.

I hope that this helps a little.


If someone has the Chistie's issue where it was sold, it would be wonderful !
Thanks for posting the answer from Christies!

Now, looking on the page from Zeide's post, it reads:

"In the early 19th century the name PELEGRINA had been given to a spherical pearl with a weight of 111 1/2 grains."

I suppose that 'name game' might be the root of the confusion between the original drop and a round pearl. Tracking the impersonator would be quite a feat though.