A Recent Purchase - SS Pearl plus


Pearl Designer & Collector
Jan 25, 2007
Hi All,

I recently purchased this lovely baroque SS pearl with tiny keishi pearls from another seller. rainbowislandpearls - she has some great stuff at good prices. Even comes with a couple of gold caps. I am thinking of setting this as the body of a bird but time will tell whether it works out or not. Regardless I love the colour with the blue tinges and the lustre looks great. Might end up as a centre piece similar to what is displayed in the photo. Who knows :)

This seller is one that should be put on the "to be totally trusted list". I haven't received it yet but it is probably waiting for me a the post office. As a centre piece it looks great.



  • SSPearlplus1.JPG
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Oooh - very pretty! I've also purchased some great things from her - including the "pearls that want to be hands" that I incorporated into my weird earrings - she's a wonderful seller, definitely one to add to one's favorites...

Hi Dawn - I love the blueness of this pearl. Quite special! Yes, I have also bought from this seller on another member's recommendation. I was delighted with my purchase from her!
Hi all,

I have her as a favourite seller on my Ebay list but as I like round pearls better than baroque ones, so far I haven?t found anything yet. Bodecias SS-pearl is lovely, I wish I had seen THAT ONE in time!
Just want to say "Ditto" that Inger at Rainbowislandpearls is a trusted ebay seller. She takes her own photos and I have made a number of purchases over the last few years. I think she was mentioned awhile ago. I looked at that pearl also, Dawn! It's gorgeous.

so many pearls, so little time
I'm happy to hear all these positive reviews. I have just ordered a few things from Inger! Bodecia that is a beautiful pearl!