A cross-country showroom visit?


New Member
Jan 30, 2008
I'm soliciting opinions and advice!

My birthday and our 5th anniversary are coming up next month within a week of each other. I usually buy jewelry on the excuse, "Who needs an excuse!", so I was really glad that my husband doesn't take that to mean, "a REALLY good excuse is no excuse if you claim you don't need excuses anyway!" So... I have REALLY good excuse, and the hubbie's encouragement!

We've been thinking and thinking and thinking about going to LA to visit PP. We live near DC. So that's a 6 hour flight each way, plus hotel, food, etc., just for me to get a fix. Yes, this constitutes an addiction. :o So that's $1000 travel. Not counting pearls. Everyone who's been there has said they have SO many other strands that aren't on the web page, so I'm tempted to go, but I could get more than one of my desired pieces for just the travel budget alone! But then the idea of seeing a buh-zillion little shinies and picking out my very own seems very much like a [legal!] high...

The alternative is daunting for me, too, which would be to call them up and say, "Hey, my 5th anniversary is coming up, we can't decide between 4-5 pieces, could I pay to have you ship them all out to us, knowing we'd only be keeping 1-2 piece, to make sure we get something super special for our anniversary?" or maybe speak with someone about things they may have that aren't on the web site? The reason this doesn't sound good is because I am one of those folks who doesn't like the idea of buying more than I intend to keep, which is why I'd feel the need to ask permission to do this up front.

So... what would you all do? Take the trip, and get something not as nice, or talk to PP and have them ship several items IF they're willing, or spend some time on the phone with them talking about what things that sound fantastic to me they have available but not on the web page?
You could chat with them, describe what sort of items you want, and ask for emailed photos of the items-- then order the one(s) that seem right for you, with the understanding that the return policy applies if they don't work out (for non-custom pieces.)

I wouldn't personally take a trip just to shop. I would want to make it into more of a family vacation if we flew all the way out there from Connecticut. My daughter would never let me hear the end of it if I dragged her to the West Coast just to buy pearls! ;)

Only you can know if the thrill of seeing the pearls and selecting your items in person is worth taking the trip, even if it means the pearl budget itself is less. A memorable experience has value in itself and you would look back on it with pleasure.
If its a real possibility, I would definitely make the trip. I see it as a once in a lifetime type of thing. Consider the whole experience to be part of your birthday/anniversary gift. Throw in a nice dinner to celebrate (after you buy the pearls and can wear them, of course) and its a nice little vacation/celebration.

I do prefer to see what I am buying in person whenever possible.
So... what would you all do? Take the trip, and get something not as nice, or talk to PP and have them ship several items IF they're willing, or spend some time on the phone with them talking about what things that sound fantastic to me they have available but not on the web page?

I personally would choose options 1 or 3. The second option would not work for me (even if the online seller is willing) because I am very likely to KEEP THEM ALL! ;)

Spend all the money on a really really really really fantastically expensive strand of pearls. :D:D:D:D:D:D
Oooh... Pernula... you make an excellent point. I hadn't thought about the mental weakness, along with the very valid, "But they're already HERE and I'd have to put the effort into shipping them BACK..." Yikes!
Mental weakness is always an issue. So many pretty pearls, how can a girl (or guy) choose just one?
Mental weakness could strike at the vault as well. "I came all this way, so I can't just buy one or two, can I? I have to make the trip worthwhile, after all. Factoring in the travel cost, buying more pearls would lower the unit price." :p
Mental weakness could strike at the vault as well. "I came all this way, so I can't just buy one or two, can I? I have to make the trip worthwhile, after all. Factoring in the travel cost, buying more pearls would lower the unit price." :p

A very good point, still if you have the chance to see it all in person - GO!:D:D:D
Hi Gravity,

I've been thinking this over--and wondering where in your pearly wardrobe you need something special? What do you have already?

Are you going classic for your fifth anniv, say, large and round, as opposed to baroque?

It would be dangerous for me to be turned loose in Jeremy's vault without an idea of what I was shopping for!!I would plan to make a trip like that when I could take in some of the delights of the city or nearby cities at the same time, and at least spend a few days.

I have purchased ALL my highest end pearls, strands and finished necklaces by photograph, with the idea I could return if not satisfied. I have only returned one thing, and I am very picky.

You might also consider that getting a last minute appointment with PP is not always simple, although I am certain Staff would do what they could to make it happen.

Excited for you--and looking forward to hearing what your special gift will be--

so many pearls, so little time