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  1. pearlshoppe

    An unbiased account of my week at Kamoka

    Hi Sheri, I've been up to my eyeballs:p with catering and popped in to see what's been happening in the land of pearls. WOW, your thread is fantastic and lifted my bone weary self. Thank you for sharing. Julie
  2. pearlshoppe

    Mustika Pearls

    Wow, Caitlin, your love and knowledge on the subject shows;) I especially liked your humanities teachers take on different religions and cultures. It's a shame everyone doesn't follow this creed, there might be a more peaceful world:) Humans have a tendency to attack things they don't understand:(
  3. pearlshoppe

    Mustika Pearls

    Thank you. I have learned alot more from this thread than I ever imagined I would when it started :-) Julie
  4. pearlshoppe

    Mustika Pearls

    Steve, What do people do with their bezoars? Put them in their pocket, in a special box, in jewelry pieces? The only pictures I've seen are showing them loose. I just wondered:)
  5. pearlshoppe

    Mustika Pearls

    That's one link I will pass on:eek: And your question to Knotty- the zebra mussels "was transported to the Great Lakes in ballast water and on the hulls of ships", zebras are on this thread because we like to explore new horizons on PG:) and zebras in general (the four legged kind) by way of...
  6. pearlshoppe

    Mustika Pearls

    Jeremy, Thanks! It was a more informative and interesting article than the one I found.:) Steve, Many pardons. I am guilty. I admit I haven't combed through all the threads, I seem to hit the "today's posts" too much without exploring enough:o I blame it on needing more than 24 hours in a day;)...
  7. pearlshoppe

    Mustika Pearls

    I just found Mustika Pearls on internet. I have never heard of them and from what I did read they are considered magical and their origin is not from mussels but plants and animals. Sounds like kidney stones to me:rolleyes: It would seem they come from Indonesia and are considered "other...
  8. pearlshoppe

    Really pathetic

    Hey Slraep, shame you're not running for prez, I like your style;) We need a "nice,timid kid" like you in office:)
  9. pearlshoppe

    Which course shouild i do?

    I completed the course and grading lab at the end of last year, but it sounds like it would be worth repeating when it is updated. Yes?
  10. pearlshoppe

    Pearls in Indian Jewellery

    Amrita, Haven't spoken to you in awhile, hope you are well. I enjoyed looking at the Indian jewelry, very unique. Thank you for sharing:)
  11. pearlshoppe

    Blaire, It's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for your kind words. The whole mess had me in...

    Blaire, It's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for your kind words. The whole mess had me in such a tither I retreated to my cabin in mountains this weekend (no phone, tv, computer) to re-prioritize. I've had too many pots in the fire and not watching them all close enough :-) Oh, and I love...
  12. pearlshoppe

    Help needed: Pearls in poetry, literature...anything!

    Hi Tim, Here's a couple I know of::) "This pearl has become my soul. If I give it up, I shall lose my soul. Go thou also with God." John Steinbeck, The Pearl "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls; Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and...
  13. pearlshoppe

    World Pearl Forum

    It's an interesting video. I noticed they had to partner with Japan to make it work, and the 13mm pearl they showed was beautiful but is that size the norm to be expected?
  14. pearlshoppe

    World Pearl Forum

    They announced "the launch of Pearls of Dubai, an integrated pearl centre that would include a pearl farm and retail destination." Sorry, but it just seems to me an attempt at promoting their own new high end retail store in the name of global pearl industry concerns.
  15. pearlshoppe

    Pearl World Oct/Nov/Dec issue

    I apologize for slighting them:( Kudos Caitlin and Knotty Panda:) The article was very well written and informative. I also like this "pearl professor" (self portrait is amusing) he has a no nonsense, straight to the point take on issues.
  16. pearlshoppe

    Pearl World Oct/Nov/Dec issue

    I just received my Oct/Nov/Dec issue of Pearl World, it's fantastic as always. I was interested in the articles "The Pearl of Allah" (looks like calcified brain:p) and the article GIA Course Development Dept. did thanks to Jeremy's help on "China Believes in Volume". Buut, my insomnia thanks...
  17. pearlshoppe

    World Pearl Forum

    Dubai to Host First-Ever Global Pearl Forum Dubai to Host First-Ever Global Pearl Forum I ran across this and thought others might be interested in reading it.:) I didn't realize Dubai was so interested in resurrecting their place in the world of...
  18. pearlshoppe

    Applying For Membership-----

    Quite beautiful! The pic taken outside is the one that does it the most justice.
  19. pearlshoppe

    French Polynesia, New Zealand, and Australia...

    Wow! The pictures are great as is the diary. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and thank you for sharing it and taking the time to put it together.
  20. pearlshoppe

    Shakespeare on pearls & other pearly quotes

    Ok it isn't Shakespeare but two I like "The rarest things in the world, next to a spirit of discernment, are diamonds and pearls." Jean de la Bruyere "This pearl has become my soul. If I give it up I shall lose my soul. Go thou also with God." John Steinbeck "The Pearl"