Search results

  1. J

    ShopNBC and Freshwater Akoya

    And note the item description on the left side of the screen when you watch the video -- it still says "14 Gold 18" White 7.0-7.5mm Cultured Akoya Freshwater Pearl"!
  2. J

    ShopNBC and Freshwater Akoya

    You can still watch the second of their on-air presentation of the item here: Click on "Program Guide" at the top and choose the 12 AM show (Gold Style), which started with a presentation of the item. Too bad the first Our Top Value...
  3. J

    Hillary Wearing a Serious Set of South Seas at Her Confirmation

    Some close-ups from yesterday's hearing on the NY Times website -- gorgeous pearls (but not matching earrings):
  4. J

    Who's excited for the PP Monday?

    Just PMed the link to you. Hope it works!
  5. J

    Who's excited for the PP Monday?

    Did anyone get it yet as of 1:08?
  6. J

    Pearl Paradise November Special

    Has anyone seen Pearl Paradise's new special? So pretty!:)
  7. J

    Matching an existing strand of Black Akoyas to make a double strand?

    Sorry, still can't see pictures (at home or work)...
  8. J

    Who were the lucky ducks who got the fireballs?

    Thanks, Cathy. Good to know these things. The TPO emails go to my yahoo mail, and I've been wondering why some items were already sold out even when I went on as soon as I received the sale email. Now I know!
  9. J

    Who were the lucky ducks who got the fireballs?

    I was wondering about the same thing, but I think they were talking about the TPO sale. I only just got the email (long delay) so check your email and see if you have it...
  10. J

    Can't decide- FW or Tahitian Baroques

    I recently had a similarly hard time deciding among a few of the baroque Tahitian strands. I ended up calling PP and Mia was extremely patient with my questions and wonderfully helpful. She described each strand for me in great detail and often quite vividly; when I received the necklaces, I...