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  1. J

    Clueless on inherited pearls - Post 1

    Thank you all for the input. I think you are spot on about the dates. I noticed the barrel shaped pearls and wondered why they were like that. Both clasps say 14K with a C after them. I am not a pearl kind of girl but I have two lovely daughter-in-laws that might like them so I will look...
  2. J

    Clueless on inherited pearls - Post 2

    From post 1, I inherited 2 sets of pearls upon the death of my 91 year old aunt. I know nothing and am uncertain if they have no value or some value and how to proceed with them. The second set is approximately 22" long and the pearls are all approximately 6 mm. Again, thank you in advance!
  3. J

    Clueless on inherited pearls - Post 1

    You can say, "hey dummy follow the directions (which I obviously didn't read!), I won't be offended". I will post better pictures tomorrow, on a white back ground. It just started to storm here in Michigan and my house is very dark to try to get them without a flash now. I will do the same...
  4. J

    Clueless on inherited pearls - Post 1

    Clueless on inherited pearls - Post 2 Clueless on inherited pearls - Post 2 From post 1, I inherited 2 sets of pearls upon the death of my 91 year old aunt. I know nothing and am uncertain if they have no value or some value and how to proceed with them. The second set is approximately 22"...
  5. J

    Clueless on inherited pearls - Post 1

    What a wonderful forum to find! My 91 year old aunt died and being the only woman among the heirs I was handed two sets of pearls. I know NOTHING about pearls and am uncertain if they have no value or some value and how to proceed with them. See Photos and see if anyone has any input or...